10,000 New Apartments For Elad

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Interior Minister Aryeh Deri announced that he intends to authorize the construction of 10,000 new apartments in the chareidi town of Elad, built twenty years ago, sixteen miles east of Tel Aviv. This would double the town’s present population of 45,000. Deri noted that a former IDF training ground where the apartments are planned has already been designated as part of the town.

“The big plus is that all infrastructure such as learning institutions and various services already exists,” said Mayor Yisroel Porush. “We can start building housing units immediately and double and even triple the town.”

{Matzav.com Israel News}


  1. That is a good idea but what does Bibi have to say about that. Bibi has to ask the UN first and then the rest of the world is okay for Israel to build even a house much less all those living quarters. Everyone has plans but what will the UN and the world say and will Israel bow again to the worlds opinion as usual.

  2. The same should be done for Beitar Illit, Maale Amos and other yishuvim in Judea and Shomron to relieve the severe shortage of haredi housing and build up the land.


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