The levaya for Rav Raphael Yitzchok Lieberman Z”L took place this morning at Shomrei Hadas.
R’ Raphael was sick for a few years before his untimely petirah this Motzei Shabbos, at the age of 62.
R’ Reforl lived in Flatbush, where he delivered a daily Daf Yomi shiur for many years.
Boruch Dayan Emmes
R’ Raphael zt”l was a tzaddik, but an even bigger Talmid Chochom. Anyone who knew him knows how deeply immersed he was in his learning at all times. He was a Baal Tzedakah and always had a smile and vort for anyone he met. We’ll miss him tremendously.
Rav Rafael zt”l taught a daf yomi shuir like no other! He lifted up the olim in torah and involved each person in there way.
He is sorely missed at the shiur