When speaking about the importance of hasmadah, diligence, Rav Yehuda Tzadka zt”l would often tell his talmidim the following story:
In the year תרצ”ו, Israeli authorities ruled that all residents of the Old City of Yerushalayim must turn out their lights after dark. The enemy was vicious, and the inhabitants of the Old City could not afford to take any chances. The once beautiful nightlife of the Jewish Quarter had become a distant memory.
As usual, the young Yehuda Tzadka was making his rounds throughout the yeshiva‘s dormitory, making sure all the room lights were out. Generally, Chacham Yehuda’s inspection was quick and simple. This night, however, was a bit different. As he neared the end of the hall, he noticed a small bright light, gleaming from one of the dorm rooms. Rav Yehuda approached, knocked lightly, and proceeded to slowly push open the squeaky wooden door. Chacham Yehuda was not surprised to find his dearest friend, Ovadia Yosef, leaned over heaps of scattered sefarim, surrounded by a few small candles to illuminate his precious books. He stood happily and watched as Ovadia would open one sefer, scan it, place it at his side, and repeat the process over and over again, while occasionally stopping to take notes.
Chacham Yehuda would conclude by saying, “I knew this boy was destined to be the gadol hador of the next generation. For that reason, I left him to study.”
Those who saw Chacham Ovadiah during his recent hospitalization observed this unbelievable hasmadah. At his age and in his condition, Chacham Ovadiah is still focused on one thing: limud haTorah. And when he returned home, within a short while, he was sitting and learning.
How fortunate we are to have such examples of Torah greatness and diligence to look up to and emulate. Click here to view an inspiring photo of Chacham Ovadiah, in the hospital, in his hospital garb, immersed in learning.
{Matzav.com Israel News Bureau/Photo compliments of Leon Sakkal, a member of the Sephardic Legacy Series}
There were no “Israeli” authorities in 1936.
Thank you for posting this — a positive story
What a Tzadik!
very nice
Amazing that he has the head to learn Gemara after a procedure!
What’s the Rav shlita’s name for davening?