Get Ready for Four More Years of Clinton Scandals

By Marc A. Thiessen It is a common refrain among despondent Americans watching the substance-free, scandal-driven 2016 campaign: "I can't wait for this to end." Well,...

Dershowitz Springs Into Action, Swiftly Pens ‘Case Against The Iran Deal’ Book

By Paul Miller The night the Iran nuclear deal was announced was a sleepless one for retired Harvard Law School professor and pro-Israel activist Alan...

Believe In Them

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz Parenting has become a big industry. People are confounded and confused about how to raise their children. They...

Vanquishing the Evil

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz The Bnei Yisroel in Mitzrayim witnessed ten makkos, a process of becoming acquainted with the Oneness of Hashem and His...

Peggy Noonan: Romney Campaign is “Incompetent”

By Peggy Noonan What should Mitt Romney do now? He should peer deep into the abyss. He should look straight into the heart of...

I Have No Time

By Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss As I was walking home from shul on Friday night, I was thinking about the sermon I had just delivered...

Now is the Time

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz Time marches along, too quickly it seems. It feels like it was only a couple of weeks ago that the weather...

Dreaming of the Bais Hamikdosh

By Daniel Keren, Rav Moshe Weinberger, rov of the Agudath Israel of Flatbush, spoke at the recent Independence Day legal holiday Yarchei Kallah sponsored by...

[email protected]

By Rabbi Avi Shafran Sneering cynicism. Self-glorification in the guise of advocacy. Ostentatious observance cloaking rank jealousy. "Democracy" in the pursuit of evil ends....

Tobin: Harris and Gantz Are Playing Politics With Israel’s Future

By Jonathan S. Tobin For five months, the Biden administration has been talking out of both sides of its mouth about the war between Israel...

The Haggadah on Many Levels

By Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss The annual holy narrative of the Pesach Seder is a multi-faceted experience with which we should familiarize ourselves so that...

Sheldon Adelson: Don’t Risk Israel’s Security on Obama’s Words

By Sheldon Adelson "Americans who support Israel should take the president at his word," wrote Haim Saban recently in the New York Times, claiming...

You Can Try, but You Can’t Hide It

By S. Friedman A number of years ago I worked for a gentleman who owned a large company that employed over 1,000 employees and was...

Elul – A Time for Achdus

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz All of a sudden, Elul is upon us. The summer barely started and Elul has arrived. What happened to the glorious...

Rove: The Numbers Favor Romney Now

By Karl Rove It comes down to numbers. And in the final days of this presidential race, from polling data to early voting, they...

Oren: How Obama Opened His Heart to the ‘Muslim World’

By Michael Oren Days after jihadi gunmen slaughtered 11 staffers of the Charlie Hebdo magazine and a policeman on January 7, hundreds of thousands of...

The JCPA Conference on Israel’s Vital Security Needs

By Dovid Tzvi Hoffman Four minutes. It takes is four minutes for the average male to get dressed. Four minutes is all it takes to...

The Liberal-Traditional Dialogue with the Brick Wall

By Leah Aharoni The conversation between liberal Jewish movements and Orthodoxy sometimes sounds like both sides are talking to a brick wall. Neither side ...

Hashiveini Ve’ashuvah

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz In one of the Al Cheit confessions that we recite on Yom Kippur, we beg forgiveness "al cheit shechatanu lefonecha...


By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz With Elul upon us, the mood in Jewish communities is changing. The frivolity and care-free attitude of summer are gone, having...

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