Chizuk for Them, Chizuk for Us

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leiby-kletzkyPinned: Klal Yisroel is sitting a collective shivah. All over the globe, Yidden are still in a state of utter shock and sadness. Leiby Kletzky z”l, a beautiful, sweet, innocent, Yiddishe neshamah, was snuffed from our midst. There are indeed no words to appropriately describe the depth of our pain.

We saw the worst of mankind and the best of mankind in the same 48-hour period. We experienced a communal tragedy the likes of which no one can remember. The nature of what occurred, and the manner in which it played out in front of all of us over the online frum media, was surreal.

At this point in time, we are all yearning for chizuk. We seek some form of direction and any words of comfort that can be offered. Below, readers are encouraged to share their words of chizuk and feelings of solidarity that can be shared with the Kletzky family and that can also serve as a source of chizuk for all of us, who are grieving along with Leiby’s parents, grandparents, siblings and extended family.

The comments below will be sent directly to the Kletzky family.

{Shmiel Newscenter}


  1. THe value of personal tears and being with the family at this terrible time is the best way to console, give nechama, to the family.

  2. Tears.

    That’s all I can muster.

    I’m looking for words…the right words.

    They aren’t forming cohesively, but too many people are seeking direction after this unspeakable tragedy for me to remain silent.

    We have no Bais Hamikdosh, yet we have korbanos.

    The latest korban’s name was Leiby Kletzky Hy”d.

    A young, innocent, sweet boy on this earth for less than a decade.

    His life violated by a monster, then snuffed out in an act of unimaginable barbarism.

    His body treated in unthinkable ways, a true korban for Klal Yisroel.

    What message lies therein?

    If Hashem has allowed this to happen, it is unquestionably a message for us.

    How many more messages do we need until we all wake up?

    How can we be so numb and insensitive to what’s going on around us?

    We hear of this korban, who serves to atone for our sins, yet we carry on with life as usual.

    Yes, we say the expected things such as, “What a tragedy!” “Hashem Yeracheim!” and more.

    We put on a sad face and sigh for a minute or two; we may even shed a tear or two.

    Then it’s back to “business as usual.”

    We continue our vacations.

    We continue our lunch dates.

    We continue peppering our speech with vulgarities.

    We continue watching forbidden items.

    We continue making disparaging remarks to our family and friends.

    We continue worrying more about dressing in style than dressing the way we should.

    We continue catering to our bodies at the expense of our neshamos.

    We totally miss the many messages that Hashem is sending us.

    Are we so numb and blind?

    How many more korbanos do we need?

    Do we need it right between the eyes, r”l, for us to finally take them seriously?

    This boy was the son, brother and korban of every single Jew on the planet.

    The amazing and heroic efforts of Acheinu Bnei Yisroel of all stripes and colors who united in the search for this boy are surely part of the message.

    He may not have been found as we all hoped, but his passing should leave us with the clarity to hold on to the achdus that was engendered.

    The outpouring of tefillos that were said and tears that were shed for this boy and his family may not have produced the results that we hoped for, but they were not in vain.

    Not one single tear, not one single prayer, was for naught.

    It is during times of pain and tragedy that Klal Yisroel gets their priorities straight and focuses on the right things instead of the mundane.

    We need to hold on to this focus and not require more messages to keep us anchored in achdus and tefillah.

    Yes, there may be some evil people amongst us, but, as a whole, Klal Yisroel is a great nation.

    Let’s all be greater than we think we have the capacity to be.

    Let’s all start taking life a little more seriously.

    Let’s add more Torah to our lives, more tzedakah, more mitzvos, more ahavas Yisroel….

    Let’s rid our lives of lashon hara, machlokes, sinas chinom, pritzus…

    Let’s show Hashem that we got the message…

    May the korban be accepted by Hashem and may our thoughts and actions not invalidate its powerful effect.

    May we be zoche to a rebuilt Bais Hamikdosh, where we can bring the kinds of korbanos that we can offer with joy.

    Perhaps if we did some real soul searching and internalized the many messages Hashem has been sending lately, we will be able to celebrate the 9th of Av this year instead of spending the day crying again.

  3. Tisha B’Av came early this year to Boro Park.

    An eight-year-old boy, Leiby Kletzky, was on his way home from day camp in Brooklyn when he mysteriously disappeared. A frantic search, spearheaded by the FBI and aided by the entire community, failed to find him for two full days. And then his mother and father had to endure every parent’s worst nightmare.

    Leiby was found hacked to pieces. Parts of the body were discovered in a suitcase wrapped in a black plastic garbage bag in a dumpster. The rest were in the refrigerator of a man “now being questioned.”

    Words fail to convey the immensity of this tragedy.

    Apart from its ghoulish aspects, it is simply too much to imagine what it means to send off a smiling child for a summer’s day of fun only to learn that all that is left of him is a memory.

    It’s been said that the cruelest word in the English language is “never.”

    Never will Leiby’s parents ever again be able to hold him, to hug him, to prepare him for life with words of advice and of Torah. Never will his family be able to share in the milestones of his growth to maturity. Never will there be a bar mitzvah to celebrate, graduations to attend, a wedding canopy to stand under with him and his bride as he prepares to embark on his own journey to family and future.

    Never will all those who knew Leiby as a child be able to find out what his unique talents might have enabled him to accomplish.

    Never will the Jewish community discover the contributions Leiby might have made to it and to the larger world.

    Ever since the beginning of mankind the Torah reminded us that a single death leaves none of us untouched. In the aftermath of the first murder, God turned to Cain in anger and admonished him with the words “The sounds of the bloods of your brother cry out to Me from the ground.” Not blood, but bloods, in the plural. The meforshim explain that when Kayin killed his brother, he effectively destroyed all of Hevel’s future progeny as well.

    In the words of the Gemara, he who murders one person is as if he destroys an entire world.

    The loss of one person diminishes every one of us. It affects our collective future. It alters what might have been. It prevents us from ever receiving all the precious benefits every single life has to offer.

    And when murder snuffs out the life of a child, the enormity of the word never – that we will never truly know what that child might have become – staggers us beyond comfort.

    This is not the time for us to attempt any glib rationalizations or theological efforts to explain away the horror. Halacha, in its profound wisdom, teaches us that we are not permitted to offer consolation “while the body is still before us.” The time for comfort can come only after the necessary tears.

    I remember very well a somewhat similar moment in the community I served as spiritual leader. There was a tragedy that involved a young child. No one could think of any words that might alleviate the suffering of the parents. We tried but found ourselves wanting.

    The scene is indelibly etched in my mind. A small group of us went to the parents, hugged them, tried to say something, choked up and simply cried.

    Days later, the parents told me the only thing that helped them get through their tragedy was what we did for them. Not our words, but our tears.

    “You showed us that the pain wasn’t ours alone. Your sharing our grief made it somewhat bearable.”

    And that is what we must do now for Leiby and his family.

    We must let them know that we cry with them.

    Our tears are the words our hearts don’t know how to express.

    The fact that we shed them proves that evil has not fully triumphed.

    And most important of all, the Medrash assures us that the tears of the righteous summon the Almighty to hasten the day when wickedness and its practitioners will be eradicated from Earth.

  4. This is a National tragedy.
    The entire Nation of Yidden!

    May we all be comforted – before the next Tisha B’Av with the coming of the Goel Tzeddel.

  5. Tisha B’Av came early this year to the ENTIRE WORLD.

    Even though summer is here and we want to enjoy ourselves we still must take something upon ourselves to improve spiritually in order that when the real Tisha B’Av comes around we will already be in Eretz Yisroel with the Bais Hamikdosh and the leaders who can lead us in a Yidesheah life style. AMEN

    YES! There Are No Words, Only Tears…

  6. Hashem I ask you that this tragic incident should be the “last wake up call” before Moshiach comes.

    It’s Obvious that HAKODOSH Leiby Kletzky ZT”L was brought to this world to wake US up, lets take this very seriously and return to the true Torah way of life, lets get closer to Hashem, lets learn at least the Kitzur and keep all of the Halochos, pray and cry with me asking Hashem for the Geualah.

  7. I have been following this news from Europe, Bosnia to be exact, and my heart is in pain. I have a little one and I would defend her with my last ounce of strength. Oh my GOD, what are we doing…where are we going as a society…why are we so bloodthirsty. I know that his mother and father will never recover and grief will envelop their hearts forever. I pray to my God, that they find peace and solace in their God, which is also my God, and carry on for the sake of their children. Rest in heaven little angel. Rest peacefully in heaven. I will pray for you and your family.

  8. I for one feel guilty maybe I didn’t say enough thilim. But come on so much outpouring of care and love and concern by our nation for one pure nishumu, from all over the world. Yiden in America and in Eretz Yisroel and Europe is defintely a good sign to Hashem that his people are glorifying his name, and care for one another, no other nation would do such a thing for one another. Bus loads of yiden travelled from Monsey, Lakewood, the Catskills and other places. And the outpouring of tfilis, jews were giving money to tsduku, refraining from speaking lushin huru, doing extra mitzvas is trully unique. Please Hashem notice these and in these Zchusim send us no more grief.

  9. This is absolutely terrible. I feel a sense of loss so great I have no way to describe it. The poor parents….. Hashem, not our innocent children!! Not our babies!! Don’t take your anger on Am Yisrael out on them, take it out on us adults who do not do your will, not on them, I beg you!!! Baruch Dayan Haemet.

  10. i am speechless,shaken to the core our tefillos did not go to waste,it helped find the little neshume so he can be brought to his final resting place. only hashem knows why klal yisroel and his family needs to go through this gutwrenching heartbreak a heilige neshume uvini shebashumayim…help his parents and family find a nechama…give them strength to go on…comfort them…help them get through this…they need are the only one that we turn to for help. you are our father and you love us but we cant take this pain!! hamokem yenachem eschem, baruch dayan huemes…may the family and klal yisroel only have simcha. all of us need to hug our children a little tighter today and tell them we love them. to all of you that did all you could….only hashem can repay your for your devotion,heart,tefillos,time and mone

  11. May Hashem have Rachmanus on all of us. We are all your children. May the tremendous achdus that was shown in trying to find on e of the Abishter’s kinnd, be a shmirah for all of Kllal Yisroel.

  12. I can share the thoughts I have written to myself this day.

    We believe that G?d is good. And yet He has created beings that commit horrific evil, acts He Himself despises in the most ultimate sense of the word. Things about which we can only recoil in horror while turning to the heavens in indignant outrage, screaming, “Why did You allow this? How could You?!”

    And all we receive from heaven is a silent tear.

    Of all the questions we ask, why does this one never receive a satisfactory answer? We believe our Torah is a Torah of truth, of divine wisdom, yet of all the questions it answers, why on this one does it fail us?

    We are told that good cannot come without evil, just as darkness cannot come without light.

    But, G?d, dear beneficent and all-powerful G?d, could You not do whatever You please? Could you not create light without darkness, good without evil? At the very least, did You have to create an evil so hideous?

    We are told that commensurate to the darkness will be the light, commensurate to the pain will be the reward. Looking at this world and the pain we have suffered, the reward must be beyond any measure.

    But, my G?d, you are good! Does everything have to be measured so precisely? Can a G?d who is good allow such horror, even if ultimately it will become good?

    We are told that human beings must be given free choice. That this is the ultimate kindness of G?d to humankind, that He grants us the space to fail, and the opportunity to achieve greatness on our own.

    But if this is kindness, then what is cruelty? Are there no limits? Even the most liberal parents, if they care, they will have limits on the freedoms they grant their children. And here, in our world, we see ugliness without bound.

    My G?d, each day I am surrounded by Your wonders. Each day, I see Your miracles, one after the other, Your unending goodness to me and to each of us. I will not lose faith, I will not stop praying to You. But if I will not stand up and demand, “Does the Judge of all the earth not do justice?” if I will not declare, “Why have you done evil to your people?”—then what kind of a creature am I? And in what sort of a G?d do I believe?

    One day, we will understand. Until then, we must be outraged. We must recoil with horror, we must reach deep inside ourselves, we must protest to G?d Himself. For only the righteously indignant can heal this world.

    That is our answer for now: That we cannot be allowed to understand. For if we would understand, we would not be outraged. And if we were not outraged, then why would we ever stand up and do all that is in our power that such horrors could never happen again? And then there would be no one to heal G?d’s world.

    And so the answer is only a silent tear, falling from heaven, into our hearts.

  13. Dear Leiby, I just returned from your Levaya (funeral). You might be wondering why I went. After all, I never met you and I am almost a half century older than you. I don’t know your parents or any of your family members at all. I am not a member of your parent’s Shul and never even met your parents.

    I know that where you are now, you realize the reasons things occurred the way they did.

    However, we down here are struggling to make sense out of the senseless; to comprehend the incomprehensible.

    Why then did I trek out to Borough Park to be at your Levaya?

    The reason Leiby is simple, I went because you are a very special young man.

    Chazal (our Sages) have taught us in the Gemara (Shabbos 105 b) that whoever sheds tears over a ‘adam kasher’ literally a ‘kosher’ or proper person, Hashem counts those tears and places them in His ‘treasure trove’.

    Leiby, more people cried today for you than for anyone I can recall in many years.

    These tears shed openly and unabashedly certainly indicate that you are a special young boy.

    However, there is another, more important reason I went to your Levaya.

    The reason I went to the Levaya is because you are one of the most precious souls that Hashem has given us and to give proper respect and kavod to your special Neshama, I went to the Levaya.

    Leiby, I cannot recall a single person has caused such unity; such an outpouring of togetherness; such fervent recitation of Tehillim as you caused these two days.

    Leiby, today when I came to your Borough Park neighborhood, your presence could be felt by all. Everyone and I mean everyone, Jew and Gentile were more somber, more serious, indeed, nicer to each other.

    Leiby, only a special person could have been chosen by Hashem to be the conduit of such an outpouring of care and consideration.

    The Gemara teaches us that when Hashem wants to send ‘zechusim’ (merit) to His people, He chooses an individual who is already full of ‘merit’.

    Leiby, you are obviously a young man with much merit; why else would Hashem choose you to be His agent to send His people so many opportunities for mitzvohs?

    Leiby, I do not know why this happened. Indeed, this is not the way life is supposed to be.

    The way of life is that young people are not supposed to die young. They are not supposed to be abducted by anyone, certainly not by a fellow Jew.

    The way of the world should be that old people pass on and that young people live on.

    However, in your case, the opposite has occurred.

    I know you are a special young man; and I know your parents must be special people to have been blessed with you.

    Leiby, it seems to us that you were with us much too short a time.

    However, in your too short life you gave us the gift of appreciating the importance of unity.

    You gave us a wake-up call to remind us to take the mundane incidents in life and place them in their proper perspective.

    For two too short days you allowed us to be more forgiving, more accepting of each other and ultimately more loving of each other.

    For that and for so much more, I and thousands like me went to your Levaya.

    Please Leiby, do what you can for us and help all of us maintain the unity and togetherness which you caused these last two days.

    May we merit to see each other one day.

  14. If the family is reading this, Hamakon yinachem Etchem…I feel so overwhelmed with sorrow and i also can barely sleep or think of anything else. It is heart breaking

  15. Tayereh Neshamale Leiby, HY”D

    Dear Rabbi and Mrs. Kletzky, and family,
    Hamakom Yenachem eschem…My heart is bleeding for you…no words…no words…

  16. Hearing this news all the way from israel, I wanted to jump on a plane and join everyone in the search and levaya of this little innocent boy. Every time I think of what the parents, family, and those who knew him personally are feeling I start crying. How could such a thing happen?! Why did such a young child have to be a kapara for us?! A boy that hasn’t even been bar mitzvahed!!! So many questions, and no answers. we must strengthen our emunah! We must strengthen our bitachon! We must work on ourselves to become better yidden! Never again should something like this happen again. Hashem is trying to tell us something. We believe that nothing is coincidence. Its all min hashomayim. Its not coincidence that three tzadikim were niftar last week and this neshamah tehorah was niftar this week. We must ALL take it to heart. We must ALL become better. We are one nation. One people. We are responsible for one another. We must take action for what has happened. This family didn’t just lose a precious little boy……. We all did.

  17. Hamakom yinachem eschem b’soch shar aveilei tzion v’yershulayim. May We only hear simchos. May the family and klal yisrael have a nechama soon.


  19. Copied from

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    That’s all I can muster.

    I’m looking for words; the right words.

    They aren’t forming cohesively, but too many people are seeking direction after this unspeakable tragedy for me to remain silent.

    We have no Bais Hamikdash; yet we have Korbanos.

    The latest Korban’s name was Leiby Keletzky Hy”D

    A young, innocent, sweet boy on this earth for less than a decade.

    His life violated by a monster , then snuffed out in an act of unimaginable barbarism.

    His body treated in unthinkable ways; a true Korban for Klal Yisroel.

    What message lies therein?

    If Hashem has allowed this to happen, it is unquestionably a message for us.

    How many more messages do we need until we all wake up?

    How can we be so numb and insensitive to what’s going on around us?

    We hear of this Korban, who serves to atone for OUR sins, yet we carry on with life as usual.

    Yes, we say the expected things such as “what a tragedy!”, “Hashem Yerachem” and such.

    We put on a sad face and sigh for a minute or two; we may even shed a tear or two.

    Then it’s back to “business as usual”.

    We continue our vacations.

    We continue our lunch dates.

    We continue peppering our speech with vulgarities.

    We continue watching forbidden television and movies.

    We continue making disparaging remarks to our family and friends.

    We continue worrying more about dressing in style than dressing B’Tzniyus.

    We continue catering to our bodies at the expense of our Neshamos.

    We totally miss the many messages that Hashem is sending us.

    Are we so numb and blind?

    How many more Korbonos do we need?

    Do we need it right between the eyes R”L for us to finally take them seriously?

    This boy was the son, brother and Korban of EVERY single Jew on the planet.

    The amazing and heroic efforts of Acheinu Bnei Yisroel of all stripes and colors who united in the search for this boy, is surely part of the message.

    He may not have been found as we all hoped, but his passing should leave us with the clarity to hold on to the Achdus that was engendered.

    The outpouring of Tefilos that were said and tears that were shed for this boy and his family may not have produced the results that we hoped for, but they were not in vain.

    Not one single tear, not one single prayer was for naught.

    It is in times of pain and tragedy that Klal Yisroel gets their priorities straight, and focuses on the right things instead of the mundane.

    We need to hold on to this focus and not need more messages to keep us anchored in Achdus and Tefilah.

    Yes, there may be some evil people amongst us, but as a whole, Klal Yisroel is a great nation

    Let’s all be greater than we think we have the capacity to be.

    Let’s all start taking life a little more seriously.

    Let’s add more Torah to our lives, more Tzedakah, more Mitzvos, more Ahavas Yisroel….

    Let’s rid our lives of Lashon Hara, Machlokes, Sinas Chinam, Pritzus…

    Let’s show Hashem that we got the message!

    May the Korban be accepted by Hashem and may our thoughts and actions not invalidate its powerful effect.

    May we be zoche to a rebuilt Bais Hamikdash, where we can bring the kinds of Korbonos that we can offer with joy.

    Perhaps if we did some real soul searching and internalized the many messages Hashem has been sending lately…

    …We will be able to celebrate the 9th of Av this year instead of spending the day crying again.

  20. Re what the matzav editor said: may the collective imchem anachnu b’tzara be tranfsormed, b’karov, to all of us sharing the ultimate simcha together, and may we have ample opportunity until then to practice fargining each others’ good fortune.

    To the family: I am sure that there have been people who came and knew just what to say. Please be assured that we all feel the same way. It’s in all our hearts.
    HaMakom yenachem eschem b’soch sh’ar aveilei Tziyon v’Yerushalayim.

  21. I don’t know any words that can be used to try to comfort a family that has gone through this – I, myself, have been frozen almost in one position, first hoping, and then horrifically, crushed. So much shock, so many questions. But it’s not the first tragedy in klal yisroel that was incomprehensible – we must realize that just as the father of Leiby loved him beyond compare, so the Father of us all, loves us beyond compare, and whatever he does, is meant to give us a message, and is done with rachamim. Evidently we needed a terribly strong message, and may Hashem help us to see the truth, and to do teshuva with an open heart.

    May you know of no more tzaar, may Hashem send you many Simchos, and many Brochos.

    HAMAKOM YENACHEM ESCHEM BTOCH SHAAR AVILEI ZION V’YERUSHALAYIM” May Hashem comfort you among the mourners of Zion and Yerushalayim

  22. as we all sit stunned by the immensity of this tragedy, our thoughts, prayers and yes, tears are with Leiby’s parents, family and community

    yehi zichro baruch

  23. Most of these comments are true. Yet are we NOW going to as a Tzibur cry for all the other lost souls and cry for Moshiach NOW – Or be peasant-like cry and do nothing different except maybe re-name a highway after the Kodosh?
    We need to do cry for ALL the lost souls whose lives are “torn apart” this is what we owe Leiby, A”H. If Moshiach comes as a result of real change his Petira will not be in vain. If we don’t change we are just as insane as the brutal act perpetrated on him. We are then as an accessory to this crime. Blood is on all of our hands if we don’t bring Moshiach NOW.
    Harsh words for an even harsher reality. You really want to show Kovod to him? Let’s show Hashem we are ready to end the madness of Golus!

    Its up to us. Leiby is waiting to see how much we REALLY Care…

  24. What can we say …

    What can I say …

    What can anybody say …

    True, every neshama in Klal Yisroel that is extinguished is a national tragedy in its own right, but this, you gotta admit, was Klal Yisroel’s tragedy.

    I applaud all the members of shomrim, the volunteers and law enforcement for doing what they could. Somehow, I don’t think the deficiency was in the search. we know to make such searches, but should we make other searches … perhaps searching what we’re searching for?

  25. I never heard of you, and never lived in NY. But as the mayor of lkwd said- these are the stories that make grown men cry.
    I’m crying again.
    There are no words.
    Hamokom yinachem eschem bisoch shar avlei tziyon vyirushalayim.
    Hashem will give you strength.

  26. The Shchina and all of Am Israel are suffering with u. May Hachem put an end to our sufferings. I can not imagine what u must be feeling but I am hurting with u. Kol hakavod for being so strong and positive. May this kidush Hachem added to the incredible achdout of klal israel and the kapara of this holy child tip the scale to bring mashiah ahshav!

    There are many things we can do
    1. tehilim
    2. tzedoka
    3. no loshon hora
    4. no speaking in shul
    5. for those of us who bake challah we can do that with him in mind
    6. To have him in mind when we bentch licht
    7. To ask someone for forgiveness
    8. To forgive someone who wronged us
    9. Matan besaser chesed with out talking about it
    10. Do something extra for Shabbos kodesh
    11. hug our children grandchildren and let them
    know how much we love them
    12. Appreciate klall yisroel and search for the good praise and praise some more
    13 Most of all lets remember on SHABBOS KODESH YOU NEED TO BE BSIMCHA
    Prepare what to read nash AMEN GATHERINGS at at yuor home for your family
    14. Think of things to do and deal with it in the positive

  28. Leiby is a martyr and was taken from this world to sanctify the Name, may His Name be Blessed. While we do not have the ability to comprehend HaShem’s ways, we can surely strive to believe that what seems to be a brutal end is most probably a Kiss from Heaven and a beautiful beginning. May HaShem give all of us the strength to believe these words of Chizuk and may HaShem comfort all the morners of Zion.

  29. there are no words of comfort other than we are so heartbroken and prayers are with the family that they get through this horrific tragedy and alleviate some of the tzaar

  30. We are so, so, so sad about your loss. I have cried, and cry along with my husband and family. We wish you a nechama. We cry in pain with you. Hamkom Yenchem Eschem Besoch Shaar Avili Tzion V’yershulayim

  31. Police need to investigate the unknown death of the sister and mother of Levi Aron. The truth never came out regarding the death af these two people a few years ago. They claimed the sister was crazy. Maybe she became crazy after the years of abuse from Levi and the father Jack. I implore the FBI and Police to investigate the Father, & Uncle. I also know that after Levi’s mother died, the Aunt moved into the East 2nd street house where the murder occured. Two years ago, she had a nervous breakdown & ran to her parents house in Boston. Since that time I was told they were devorced. Things must have been really crazy in that house for her to run away. Abuse runs in the family and people need to be careful and let the full story come out.

  32. Even Consolation has limits at a time like this.
    What we need is Koach an all around Koach!
    Koach to hope when it seems imposible.
    Koach to change what need to be changed.
    Koach to NEVER forget what must never be forgoten.
    Koach to do right despite all the wrong.
    We jews are not new to tzoros R”L but we surpassed them all with dignity and control.

    Because Our Koach is not Human ,its divinely given!
    What we must do now is realize that we are far from where we are supposed to be and must have the KOACH 🙁 to return to where we belong.
    There we will see a litte angel named Leiby smiling :)wondering why we are so sad!

    Koach and no more Tzuros!

  33. Though this an unexplainable act, may the outpouring of grief and support help to cope with this unfathomable loss!

    All K’lal Yisroel mourns with you!

    HaMokoum y’nachechem b’soch sh’ar aveilei Tziyoun ViYurusholoyim!

  34. i am so sorry, this is darkness and is numbing and overwhelming- some things the mind can’t process- makes me want only to do good to overcome this overwhelming sadness. May we all think about and care about the way we treat each other and do whatever good we can while we can… Leiby A”H was pure goodness. May Hashem comfort you among the other mourners of Zion and Yerushalyim. May you only know simchas, many beautiful simchas, in the future…

  35. This incident involving the holy soul of Leiby Kletzky A”H has undoubtedly moved masses of people around the world with a powerful, infinitely powerful impact. Please G-d, help the full strength that this impact has had on each person that it touched, only move him or her towards a better place, closer to you, through studying your holy Torah (Bible) and performing proper avodah (prayer etc.) and acts of kindness in this world.

    If the full impact that this event has had on the world is channeled towards goodness, how tremendously good the world will become. If we don’t allow this impact to be channeled towards goodness, then this event will only leave us in a world where brutal murder occurs.

    Please G-d, help us prevail with the former option of bringing goodness. While the wound in our heart is still wide-open, let it race towards goodness. While our hearts are still wide-opened and exposed, let us seize the opportunity to fulfill your commandment of “loving you…bchol levavcha (translation: with all your heart)” (Commandment quoted from Deuteronomy 6:5).

    Furthermore, please G-d, help us SEIZE this opportunity, for the heart heals fast, and when the wound is closed, how much more confined our potential becomes, as what is left is a scar, which is something different than what was there before, something thicker. Let us quickly purify what is inside of ourselves, what is inside of our hearts, so that the tougher, less penetrable, healing scar that grows over the wound, will only become a fortress for goodness.

    Please G-d, help us all. We have just been reminded of our lowliness as people. We need your help. Please enable us to translate the full impact of this event into goodness as such a tremendous amount of goodness would inevitably redeem our world.

    Let us each start now by accepting (bli neder) upon ourselves, one small act of goodness, one more small step towards the redemption.

    Let this redemption from the Merciful One bring comfort to the Kletzky family and to all the mourners for Zion and Jerusalem.

  36. Baruch Dayan Emes. I also davened for Leiby and took on kabbalos for his safe return. When I heard what happened to little Leiby, Hy”d, I couldn’t stop crying the entire day.
    It’s such a temptation for the parents to say, “If only I’d…” But I hope they won’t blame themselves. Allowing Leiby to walk was completely reasonable and they prepared him most responsibly. It’s not their fault. May they never experience anymore tzaar.
    Yihi zichro baruch.

  37. There are no words I can express, which I feel can do any justice.
    But one thing, I was amazed by the gevurah which R’ Nachman displayed.
    We can only daven that Hashem should bring nechama to the whole family and gantz klal yisroel, and Hakadosh Baruch Hu should give them koach to continue on.
    May Yehuda ben R’ Nachman be a meilitz yosher for his family and all of us, and together we should be zoche to greet Mashiach Tzidkeinu, b’Mheira v’Yameinu, AMEN!
    “???? ?’ ???? ??? ?? ????”

  38. R’ elchanan Wasserman ZT”L HY”D gave a shmuess right before he was killed along with his talmidim. In it he said how they were going to soon be korbanos, and they should all purify themselves so as not to render the korban piggul.

    Could there have been a more pure Koraban Than our Leiby A”H who at such a young age, was definitely not pigul. may this korban be the final Kaparah that we need.

    HaMakom yenachem eschem b’soch sh’ar avelei tzion v’Yerushayim

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  40. Dear Rabbi and Mrs. Kletzky,

    Such a pure neshama as little Leiby A”H can only come from pure neshamas such as yourselves. Hashem chose you to bring forth the karbon that Avrohom Avinu was spared to bring, in the physial sense. No question, that the pure neshoma, little Leiby A”H was born to save Klal Yisroel. How unspeakabley tragic and heart wrentching that klal yisroel needs the slaughtering of such innocents as the Fogel Family and now sweet Leiby to atone for us. Please Hashem, dayenu. Please Hashem, accept these tahor and tomim karbonos, all the fervent tefilos and endless tears that have been shed and forgive us and turn our hearts to do Your Will, so that we can now be zocheh to the guela shelama, bemehara beyamenu.

  41. Did you say you would send these comments to the parents?
    Comment #4 – Do you realize that the parents are not aware of the condition of the poor boys body.
    Please be very careful!

  42. My heart is heavy with sadness for your great loss and tremendous pain. I can only imagine that your sons lofty neshama was a keporo for all of klal Yisroel.

    I have taken on the be more careful with certain areas of tznius in his memory.

    May Hashem send Moshiach immediately and may you be reunited with him soon.

  43. I don’t remember crying so much as I did in the past few days! May Hashem give the Kletsky family and all of klal yisroel the strength and emunah to be able to overcome this hard time! May Hashem bring the geulah and only bring simcha into this world, with NO MORE TZAROS! Amen!!

  44. Little Leiby’s Neshumo is basking in the glory of Hashem’s Shechina. He is experiencing joy so intense it is impossible for us to comprehend. We cry because we miss him. But he is BeSimcha.

  45. As so many people have written, there are no words – only tears. HaMakom yenachem eschem b’soch aveilei Tzion v’Yerushalayim v’lo sosifu l’da’vah od.
    May it be a source of comfort to you that all of Klal Yisroel all over the world are crying and mourning with you. This achdus is a tremendous Kiddush Hashem and is surely a great iluy neshama for Leiby. May this great zechus combined with the cupfuls of tears we are all shedding bring the Geulah sheleimah bimheira. Umacha dim’a mei’al kol panim.

  46. I can not share what we feel here but I want to share that the french women mobilized themselves to daven, organise chiourim before we know the bad news and right after
    we feelclose to the family and want to improve ourselves as an additionnal zrout for Yehouda zal
    we are crying and we want to change to say to Hachem that we hear the message
    we are thinking a lot to the family
    there are no words

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