The Palestinian Authority has taken 130 million pounds in foreign aid from the UK Department for International Development over the past five years. The public cash is being used to help it fund its estimated 84 million pound annual wage bill for convicted terrorists locked up in Israel.
Palestinian Media Watch says that Britain may have been “intentionally misled” by the PA which last year claimed to have stopped the controversial payments but was later discovered to be channeling the cash through another political group.
MPs have called for the government to suspend all aid to the PA until payments to convicted terrorists cease. In a joint statement, Tory MPs Guto Bebb, James Morris and Andrew Percy said: “British taxpayers will be appalled to discover that the Palestinian Authority is handing their hard-earned money to convicted Palestinian terrorists. The PA should be strongly condemned for deceiving well-intentioned donor countries into thinking that it had ended this shocking practice.”
{CB Newscenter}