In Strange Site, Israeli Harley Davidson Riders Daven at the Kosel Before Yom Kippur

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HARLEY GROUPBy Anav Silverman

Among the traditional knitted and velvet yarmulkas of those praying at the men’s section of the Western Wall last night, one particular group stood out with their Harley-Davidson leather vests and black bandanas.

An Israeli group of Harley-Davidson riders made their annual trip to Jerusalem, as part of the traditional pilgrimage that members of the motorcycle club makes to the Western Wall before every Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year in Judaism. Holding onto their helmets and prayer books, the bikers arrived from all over Israel to pray at the Kotel on Sunday night, September 20.

The group attracted the attention of hundreds of prayer goers who converge at the Western Wall for the Jewish penitential prayers known as Selichot during the days leading up to Yom Kippur,. Hearing the roar of the Harley-Davidson motorcycles, the bikers were greeted by applause, camera flashes, and selfie requests.

“We came to pray for forgiveness, health, and happiness for our family, friends and all of the people of Israel,” Arik Eliovich told Tazpit.

“It’s always amazing to ride through Jaffa Gate and go to the Kotel during this time of year,” added Eliovich, who hails from Tel Aviv and drove to Jerusalem with his wife, Mazal.

The couple have been riding motorcycles for 36 years and have traveled throughout Israel and have done a little bit of riding abroad as well.

Arik and Mazal are both members of Israel’s Harley Davidson Club, which is open to anyone who owns a Harley. According to Eliovich, there are about 170 members in the club. Throughout the year, the bikers participate in different group excursions like the Rosh Hashanah motorcycle ride to ancient Masada, where the Israeli bikers welcome the first day of the Jewish New Year.

In Israel, there are approximately 800 owners of the iconic American Harley motorcycle, which was first manufactured in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1903.

Tazpit News Agency

{ Israel}


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