ISIS has claimed responsibility for today’s Las Vegas rampage, saying without offering evidence that the shooter had converted to Islam a few months ago, according to reports, the NY Post and others are reporting.
“The Las Vegas attack was carried out by a soldier of the Islamic State and he carried it out in response to calls to target states of the coalition,” the terror group’s news agency Amaq said in reference to the US-led coalition fighting the group in the Middle East. The Las Vegas attacker converted to Islam a few months ago,” Amaq also on the Telegram online messaging service.
However, US officials quoted by Reuters that there was no evidence that the attacker was tied to any international terror group.
{CB Frommer-Matzav.com}
Please tone down the inflammatory rhetoric. Both sides have to sit down at the negotiating table and work thru their differences.
Now is not the time for sarcasm.
There’s evidence that there was a Russian ghost meddling in the elections but there’s no evidence that this terrorist converted to Islam.
There must be Russian meddling, how else can Trump have won in a humongous landslide when the CIA and FBI had planned loads of frauds to help Hillary win? It’s less than 24 hours and the FBI already know that it’s not ISIS. Why don’t they take Mueller from searching endlessly for the Russian ghost and have him work on these ISIS converts.