Israel to Introduce New Security Measures at Shaar Shechem in Yerushalayim

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Itsik Saban and Shlomi Diaz report for Yisroel Hayom that the growing number of terrorist attacks near Shaar Shechem in the Old City of Yerushalayim has prompted the Public Security Ministry to present a new plan to revolutionize counterterrorism measures in the area.

Shaar Shechem has been the scene of 32 terrorist attacks over the past two and a half years.

The plan includes the deployment of license plate capture cameras; a network of “smart” closed-circuit TV cameras equipped with facial recognition software to identify suspects in real time; placing fortified security posts in strategic locations; and setting up a lighting system to simulate daylight. The plan includes metal detectors and fences to direct pedestrian traffic. “The goal is to minimize terrorist attacks in the area as much as possible, while also minimizing any interference with the fabric of life,” a senior officer with the Yerushalayim District Police said.

{ Israel News}


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