Israeli UN Envoy: Palestinians Must Recognize Jewish Right to Self-Determination

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In speech delivered at a UN Security Council meeting on the Middle East on Monday, Israeli Ambassador Danny Danon defended the Jewish state’s territorial claims, citing history, the Bible, international law and global security interests.

“Refusing to acknowledge the right of the Jewish people to self-determination in the Land of Israel keeps us from forging peace in the future,” Danon said.

“Palestinian rejectionism is chronic,” the Israeli diplomat charged. “There should be no reward for rejectionism. There should be no prize for aggression.”

“Recognizing the Jewish State of Israel, stopping the incitement campaign, maintaining Israel’s security interests and creating cooperation with neighboring countries; these principles can turn the political process into reality,” Danon said.

Israel, Danon pointed out, was “ready to talk.”

“And we are ready to create a better future for our children,” he added.

At the start of the meeting, a moment of silence was held for Lori Gilbert-Kaye, the Jewish woman who was killed on Saturday’s shooting attack at a synagogue near San Diego.

“It is unacceptable that we live in a time in which worshipers must be on guard, or look behind their backs while praying, out of fear of being shot,” Danon said at the start of his remarks. “We pray for Chabad of Poway and stand with the families affected during this painful time.”

The Algemeiner   (c) 2019 .         Benjamin Kerstein



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