Message received!
President Obama’s staunchly pro-Israel speech at the United Nations this week shows he heeded the message from Republican Bob Turner’s stunning victory last week, sources said yesterday.
Spurred on by Democrats such as Ed Koch and Brooklyn Assemblyman Dov Hikind, many Queens and Brooklyn voters — including disgruntled Jewish Democrats — voted for Turner in droves to protest Obama’s position on Israel as well as his failure to bolster the shaky economy.
“I was thinking of issuing a press release claiming credit for the Israel speech. Two weeks ago, the speech would have been different,” said Hikind, an Orthodox Jew who backed Turner over Democrat David Weprin — also an Orthodox Jew.
“The speech by President Obama indicated that he read the results of the special election in the 9th Congressional District. Clearly, the election had an effect. The speech leaves little to complain about.”
Obama’s position this summer — that Israeli and Palestinian leaders use the pre-1967 borders for the basis of negotiations — infuriated Koch, who was among the first Democrats to support Turner.
Koch made it clear his support of a Republican was meant to send a message to the White House over Obama’s stance on peace talks, and what he thought was Obama’s shabby treatment of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.\
But yesterday, Koch seemed overjoyed to be back in the Democratic fold, thanks to Obama’s unflinchingly strong UN speech in support of Israel.
“I told the president the speech was magnificent,” said Koch, who met Obama at a White House-sponsored UN reception at the New York Public Library Wednesday night.
Koch, who had even threatened to campaign against the president, was invited to the reception by the White House.
“The president is on the right track! It was wonderful,” Koch said. Last month, I would not approve. This week, I’m ecstatic!”
In his UN speech, Obama said, “America’s commitment to Israel’s security is unshakable. Our friendship with Israel is deep and enduring. And so we believe that any lasting peace must acknowledge the very real security concerns that Israel faces every single day.”
As for his very public recent spat with Obama, Koch said, “I’m not looking back. I’m looking forward.
“I have no regrets in saying, ‘Thank you, Mr. President, for standing up magnificently for Israel.’ ”
Koch now says it’s “very possible that I will be campaigning for President Obama’s re-election.” He stumped for Obama in Florida in 2008.
{NY Post/ Newscenter}
Wow Obama really cant win with some people.
Hashgoche made Anthony Weiner act irresponsibly.
Consequently the speech by President Obama.
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this is the silliest coverage in the world. Obama never created a policy that isnt GW Bushs policy and everything Obama said in his speech was nothing new. Koch is factually wrong but I don’t think Koch is lysing I just think he has seen his day.
Koch cant claim that Obama gave Israel bunker busters 2 years ago. Malcolm Hoenlein said in 2008 during the week of Chanukah that he was sitting with President GW Bush at the White House Hanukah party and tried to intercede to get GW to relent and give Israel bunker busters and GW dismissed him ( as he did with regard to Hoenleins request to grant clemency to Pollard which GW refused as well).
This article lists all of Obamas policies being the same as GW Bush …the exception being that the Republicans were silent when Bush was in power and GW Bush secretly offered the Palestinians part of East Jerusalem. It was all in the media and not denied by anyone.
You have to realize, lev melachim are in the power of Hashem. Bush was not good for America, nor for Israel. Obama is basically the same, except he’s against big busines which is plain stupid. Our only hope that we should be in achdus, but….