Headquarters Destroyed By Sandy

>>Follow Matzav On Whatsapp!<<’s headquarters in the Five Towns, NY, has been decimated by Hurricane Sandy.

We ask you to bear with us as we get our operations back up and running, hopefully in the near future.

Reporting and updates will be sporadic until our operation is fully restored.

We hope you are all safe and sound wherever you may be around the world.

Thank you.

{ Newscenter}


  1. We the loving reading people of the great family would like to initiate a building fund collection to purchase a new state-of-the-art headquarters buildings for

    First pledge is $50,000.

    Next pledge please post your $ amount:

  2. use your website for the right things & Hashem help everyone at MATZAV recover & get back on track.

    i.e. if a person does his job l’maan Hashem, (for the sake of Hashem) then he is gauranteed to be successful by Hashem himself

    ex. don’t be a rebbe for the paycheck, do it with the intention to raise 25 kids in yiddishkeit each year. that called working l’maan Hashem.

    ex. don’t make a website just for the ads & news. do it with the intention to assist people in updated news & catching minyanim at different locations to finding a ride somewhere etc….

    BOTTOM LINE: when you do your job l’maan Hashem you still end up with the same paycheck & every job theres always a way to do it l’maan Hashem (from the hardest job to the saddest job….)

    may everyone be matliach at their parnassa


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