Nov. 28 Declared ‘Thanksgivukkah’ by Boston Mayor

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boston-mayor-thomas-meninoIn light of the once-in-a-lifetime convergence of Thanksgiving and Chanukah, Boston’s retiring Mayor Thomas Menino has declared Nov. 28 to be “Thanksgivukkah” in the city.

The proclamation notes the special “diversity of all its citizens” and the values embodied by both Chanukah and Thanksgiving, including “unity, hope and gratitude.”

Thanksgiving and Chanukah last fell on the same day in the late 19th century and is not expected to converge again for more than 75,000 years.


{ Newscenter}


  1. everyday of Chanukah is thanksgiving every year regardless of when is falls out on the solar calendar and in accordance with U.S. legal holidays. Last I checked “Al HaNissim” ends with “…these eight days of Chanukah to express Thanks and Praise to your Great Name”

    This obsession with the coinciding of the dates by the American (religious) Jewish community is absurd.


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