On Yom Kippur, Ayatollah Khamenei Denounces Evil U.S. Policies

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iranian-supreme-leader-ayatollah-ali-khameneiOn Yom Kippur, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said, “The U.S.’ malicious policies in this region – which have caused wars, bloodshed, destruction, displacement, poverty, underdevelopment and ethnic and sectarian rifts – in addition to the Zionist regime’s crimes…is the main problem of you Muslims.”

Khamenei stressed that the tragic events in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, the West Bank and Gaza emanate from the plots hatched by the global arrogance [the U.S.].

Ataollah Salehi, commander of Iran’s army, said on Erev Yom Kippur that the Islamic Republic would destroy Israel at all costs, according to comments reported by Iran’s Fars news agency and translated from Persian.

“We are glad that we are in the forefront of executing the supreme leader’s order to destroy the Zionist regime,” he added.

{CB Frommer-Matzav.com Newscenter}


  1. The U.S. he’s denouncing is the same U.S. that rushed humanitarian aid to Iran after a devastating earthquake. Evil, ungrateful little monster.


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