Police Believe Chabad Poway Shooter Acted Alone

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Police investigating the fatal shooting rampage at the Chabad of Poway said on Sunday they believe the gunman acted alone and was not part of any organized group.

The suspect, 19-year-old John Earnest, has been booked into custody on one count of murder in the first degree and three counts of attempted murder in the first degree, San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore said in a statement.

Read more at REUTERS.



  1. He was incited by those who concocted and disseminated these calumnies, whether Ford, Hitler, the Jesuits, Abbas, or the Nutcase Internet and other media. They aid, abet and drive these poor schlemiels.

  2. We’ll soon hear that he did not act alone but it was another Deep State’s false flag to grab the guns away from legally owned citizens. The DS’s mouthpiece, mainstream media, made sure to omit that it was in a gun free zone where the victims were defenseless in order to promote their agenda. Actually, it’s the best proof that guns should be enforced.

  3. Only one account of murder and 3 attempts. Thought he tried to kill the entire place. Sounds like a six month prison sentence…


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