Pope Francis Endorses Iran Deal

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p51-nations-iran-dealPope Francis endorsed the Iran nuclear deal while addressing the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Friday. Francis called it “proof of political goodwill” and said he hopes it will be “lasting and efficacious.”

The pope also called for a ban on nuclear weapons, and addressed the need to combat climate change.

Francis warned “Any harm done to the environment is, therefore, harm to humanity” and chastised a “culture of waste.”

Afterward, the pontiff will head downtown to lead a multi-faith prayer service at the 9/11 Memorial, followed by a processional through Central Park.

The pope will then depart New York for Philadelphia, where he will spend the weekend at the World Meeting of Families. Read more at NBC News.

{Andy Heller-Matzav.com Newscenter}


  1. After all his ancestors were unable to exterminate the Jews through the stake or pogroms so he turns to iran to do the job. Yemach Shemoi Vezichroi

  2. I can’t stand any pope and much less this pope, although I do agree about the nuclear weapons, which should have been banned long since: the nuclear weapons are more lethal and cruel than the chemical weapons which were successfully banned. That said, if I really, really, really must hear about Mr Bergoglio’s latest externations I would have opened the New York Times website or some other garbage news site, possibly even the vatican’s (not really necessary… the pope gets huge coverage anywhere, so it seems…). Instead I open matzav.com with the (misplaced) expectation that I will not be force-fed “news” about Mr Bergoglio and his rants. Thank you editors for reading, I apologize for the inconvenience but I can’t hide my disappointment.


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