Rabbi Chananya Chollak, the founder and international chairman of Ezer Mizion, visited Rav Chaim Kanievsky today.
During the course of their conversation, Rabbi Chollak mentioned the horrific, tragic crash on Highway 1 on Sunday that claimed six Yiddishe neshamos.
“Moshiach is on his way,” Rav Chaim told Rabbi Chollak.
“But what’s going to be with the rash of tragedies we have been experiencing?” asked Rabbi Chollak.
Rav Chaim responded, “Moshiach is not just on the way. He is at the very door.”
David Steger – Matzav.com Israel
I don’t know why this is “news”. We all believe that Moshiach will come, and we all feel it’s iminent. The Gadol Hador isn’t saying a chiddush that we should be considering it “news”.
Discussion with Moishela (with his family)
A Handicapped child
19 Shevat 5776 (Jan 29, ‘16)
We Will Survive I”YH
This week is going to be amazing. I don’t exactly know how but there will be many
revelations, I can’t know how things are going to work out but of course Am Yisroel is
going to survive Be’ezras Hashem. We know this from the Nevuas. Really we can’t
know ahead of time how it will play out between now and the end. There are several
possibilities that go along with the Nevuas. We can’t really know ahead of time which
one Hashem will send to fulfill the Nevuas, however one thing we do know that the
world has become so decedent so absolutely evil that it can’t go on the way it is. The
evil ones the Reshoim are moving forward at a very fast pace and that means that
very soon we will be in the midst of their horrific plans for the destruction of most of
the population of the world. In order to survive whatever is coming, we will need a
miracle and the only one that can provide us with a Nes is Hakodosh Boruch Hu.
Just imagine Nazi Germany, Yemach Shemam Vezichram. Just imagine the SS soldiers
Yemach Shemam Vezichram, imagine them controlling the whole entire world, Chas
Vesholom. They will not just pick on the Jews they will pick on anyone they feel like
picking on. The evil that we are seeing now is not better than the Nazis. It’s the main
plan of which the Nazis of Germany were only a small part of. Now magnify it all and
project it on the whole world and we will get, Chas Vesholom, an evil that surpasses
any evil that was ever in this world. Their plan which has already been put into action
to control the world is based on the ultimate evil, which is based on the worship of
Lucifer (the devil himself), Yemach Shemo Vezichro.
We Yidden are connected only to Hakodosh Boruch Hu and if we, so-to-speak,
embrace Him totally and become His true servants completely and make Him our
Hakol Yachol our Father our Creator our Everything then He will destroy the evil in an
instant. All those foolish, evil, horrible people will disappear as if they never were.
But before they die, before they disappear from existence completely, Hashem will
give them one moment of realization that hundreds of years spent on the plan to
take over the world and to crown, Chas Vesholom, the snake, the Yetzer Hora, Chas
Vesholom as their king. That plan the Creator of Everything will demolish in one split
second giving them just enough time to realize what fools they have been. There are
very difficult times ahead but with the help of our Creator we will survive I”YH.
BS”D Discussion with Moishela (with his family)
A Handicapped child
19 Shevat 5776 (Jan 29, ‘16)
“We Will Survive”
I”YH This week is going to be amazing. I don’t exactly know how but there will be many revelations, I can’t know how things are going to work out but of course Am Yisroel is going to survive Be’ezras Hashem. We know this from the Nevuas. Really we can’t know ahead of time how it will play out between now and the end. There are several possibilities that go along with the Nevuas. We can’t really know ahead of time which one Hashem will send to fulfill the Nevuas, however one thing we do know that the world has become so decedent so absolutely evil that it can’t go on the way it is.
The evil ones the Reshoim are moving forward at a very fast pace and that means that very soon we will be in the midst of their horrific plans for the destruction of most of the population of the world. In order to survive whatever is coming, we will need a miracle and the only one that can provide us with a Nes is Hakodosh Boruch Hu. Just imagine Nazi Germany, Yemach Shemam Vezichram. Just imagine the SS soldiers Yemach Shemam Vezichram, imagine them controlling the whole entire world, Chas Vesholom. They will not just pick on the Jews they will pick on anyone they feel like picking on. The evil that we are seeing now is not better than the Nazis. It’s the main plan of which the Nazis of Germany were only a small part of. Now magnify it all and project it on the whole world and we will get, Chas Vesholom, an evil that surpasses any evil that was ever in this world. Their plan which has already been put into action to control the world is based on the ultimate evil, which is based on the worship of Lucifer (the devil himself), Yemach Shemo Vezichro.
We Yidden are connected only to Hakodosh Boruch Hu and if we, so-to-speak, embrace Him totally and become His true servants completely and make Him our Hakol Yachol our Father our Creator our Everything then He will destroy the evil in an instant. All those foolish, evil, horrible people will disappear as if they never were. But before they die, before they disappear from existence completely, Hashem will give them one moment of realization that hundreds of years spent on the plan to take over the world and to crown, Chas Vesholom, the snake, the Yetzer Hora, Chas Vesholom as their king.
That plan the Creator of Everything will demolish in one split second giving them just enough time to realize what fools they have been. There are very difficult times ahead but with the help of our Creator we will survive I”YH.
“Mah Yaa’seh Adam V’Yinotzel M’Cheveli Mashiach, Yaasok B’Torah U’Gemillas Chasadim”.
“Hisyatzvu U’reoo es Yeshuas Hashem”
Maybe somebody knows the m’kor, but there’s a gemara that states that the year that Melech Hamashiach will come, the Arabs will throw an atom bomb onto the world, & there will be a tremendous pachad, by yiden and non yiden alike.. but, Hashem will call out to the Yiden, & say “Do not be afraid.. Higia Z’man Geulaschem, V’im Ein Atam Maaminim, Reu b’ori Shezoreiach” If anybody knows the m’kor to this, please post it.
it is in yalkut shimoni simoni:
remarkable and genuinely excellent information for readers.
Maybe somebody knows the m’kor, but there’s a gemara that states that the year that Melech Hamashiach will come, the Arabs will throw an atom bomb onto the world, & there will be a tremendous pachad, by yiden and non yiden alike.. but, Hashem will call out to the Yiden, & say “Do not be afraid.. Everything that I’ve done, I’ve done for your good only, Higia Z’man Geulaschem, V’im Ein Atam Maaminim, Reu b’ori Shezoreiach” If anybody knows the m’kor to this, please post it.
* According to the Chidushei HaRIM (a Gerer Rebbe) ZT”L, Chesed will hasten the Geulah.
* According to Rav Chaim Kanievsky SHLIT”A (our Gadol HaDor) — in his Introduction to his Commentary on Braisa DiMeleches HaMishkan — study of the Mishkan and the Batei HaMikdash is a Mitzvah of the highest level. Architectural renderings of the Mishkan and the Bais HaMikdash of the future can be seen at:
Have you ever watched a candle burning out? You see The flame rising and flickering violently before it dies down.
This is the death ending of the Sutton. He is tremendously strong now, more than ever. He is causing much havoc, death and destruction before he burns out and forever is no more. Know that all the tragedies that are falling on am yisrael now are the end and last days of the Sutton. We must look at it as a sign that soon evil and death will be no more. This erev Shabbos I want you to all watch the flame on your candles burning out. You will understand what I mean.
wrong. Matzav is right for posting it. It is important
Strongly disagree with #1. Every single word of the Gadol Had or is Koidesh Kodoshim. Thanks and kudos to Matzav editors for always posting them.
as soon as we do our histadlus & do teshuva as a nation together-on all levels from frum to frei to zionist etc…-then Mashiach will come.
Hashem cannot rest his shchina upon klal yisroel on the low level we are on now. remove yourself from this world of physically pleasure & self-desires & bring yourself closer to Hashem so that you can start to feel Hashems Shchina resting upon you-like Tzaddikim feel-as you remove yourself step by step from this temporary physical world. THE TRUE WORLD IS UPSTAIRS. this world is only the path to get you there. The faster a person completes his temporary mission in this fake world the luckier he/she is & gets to be with Hashems schina in the olam Haemes
may we all do teshuva so mashiach comes right away
veaf al pi sheyismameiah
If his name would be Reb Chaim Scneerson Matzav would be hesitant to post it.
Ad Mosai: the gemara is found in short in Yoma 10a and the version you have was publicized in the July 17, 2006 Hamodia in the name of the Klausenburger Rebbe. It says that the Rebbe told Rabbi Eliyahu Shmuel Shmerler in 1971 that he doesn’t know when this Yalkut Shimoni, Pesikta Rabasi Parsha 37:2 is nogya, but it should be publicized in the right time.
bombelberg you are lost
isnt this one of the ani mamins?