Rav Elyashiv: Crocs Should Not Be Worn On Yom Kippur

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rav-elyashiv1The posek hador, Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, has ruled that Crocs should not be worn on Yom Kippur. Matzav.com had actually reported this ruling of Rav Elyashiv before Tisha B’Av (see here), but now the p’sak has been reported in Bakehillah and various news outlets. The p’sak is based on the fact that the issur to wear leather shoes on Yom Kippur is because they are considered the most comfortable footwear and are therefore included as one of the five prohibitions, or inuyim, of Yom Kippur. Thus, Crocs which are especially comfortable, ruled Rav Elyashiv, should similarly not be worn.

Israeli Chief Rabbi Yonah Metzger and others had previous ruled that Crocs are allowed on Yom Kippur, even though they are comfortable, because they are not made of leather. They say that in the past, as mentioned, the prohibition on wearing leather crocsshoes was because they were considered the most comfortable, and therefore, they claim that just because nowadays rubber shoes are no less comfortable, they, and similar sport shoes, are permitted.

The posek hador has disagreed, however, and has ruled that comfort must be considered, and therefore, Crocs, which are worn for their extreme comfort, should preferably not be worn on Yom Kippur.

See Matzav.com’s earlier report here which contains the views of Rav Moshe Shternbuch and others.

{Yair Alpert-Matzav.com Israel}


  1. Is the reason as stated here becuase of comfort? Or is it as was stated on the Tisha B’av story, because of the thickness of the bottom, and the inability to feel the floor? Or were the first two paragraphs on that story not connected at all to the croc issue. Because in the third paragraph in that story, where the contemporary poskim are mentioned, there are svaros that have no shaychus to the machlikoes rishonim in the first two paragraphs.

  2. Hey, we are all missing the point: there is money to be made here. I am going to start with it: in 2010 I will be marketing special shoes for Yom Kippur use only. They will be non leather and will NOT be particularly comfortable. Who would like to be the first to order a pair of special Yom Kippur shoes???

  3. Shavua Tov! Where i am living we made Havdala 2,5 hours ago (just if you wonder if and think I am writing on Shabbos. The Reform and Conservitives are accused of bending the Torah. It would be good to read on exactly what Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv has founded this psak.If it is only the question on what is comfortable why not ban shoes what so ever?

  4. At a time when there are so many serious problems in Klal Yisroel, why are nudnicks bothering Rav Elyashiv with such questions and then making a name for themselves by spreading their interpretations and preconceived notions fo what he said.

  5. “well I guess then the whole eretz yisrael did not hear this psak b.c as far as the eye can see everyone is wearing them around here, even in Meah shaarim! (black ones ofcourse)”.This is an email I just got motzei yom kippur from my daughter in law in Israel.
    I wonder if this “issur” was widely observed.

  6. Question:
    Did Rav Elyashiv say “It is forbidden to wear Crocs” (like the URL implies) or did he say “It is NOT forbidden, but it is better not to wear Crocs.”?

    What does the Aruch haShulchan have to say on this issue? (Hint, see: Orach Chaim 614:5.)

  7. Why does your URL, “rav-elyashiv-crocs-forbidden-on-yom-kippur” contradict the statement in the article, “therefore, Crocs, which are worn for their extreme comfort, should preferably not be worn on Yom Kippur.”?

  8. People,

    One cannot believe anygthing one hears in the name of anyone.

    We also don’t know how the question was framed and what nuances were offered or given.

  9. “One cannot believe anygthing one hears in the name of anyone.
    We also don’t know how the question was framed and what nuances were offered or given.”

    This is the specific problem with Judaism Today. We don’t know who is telling the story, Bottom line, ask your local orthodox Rabbi!! Mine wore his Crocs to shul on Yom Kippur.


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