As the Torah world in Eretz Yisroel faces painful cuts and harsh decrees enacted by the Israeli government, Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman was asked by members of his family for words of encouragement for yeshiva students.
“What can I do to encourage a person who has nothing to eat? First we have to bring him food,” said Rav Shteinman, encouraging wealthy Jews abroad to do what they can for fellow Jewish families.
Rav Shteinman expressed great pain and said, “Misyavnim (Hellenists),” referring to those who have implemented the current gezeiros. “They wish to burn the Torah.”
Rav Shteinman added: “Pharoh ruled that all newborn boys should be thrown in the Nile, and in the end, who raised the redeemer of Klal Yisroel? Paroh himself, in his own house, to show that Hakadosh Boruch Hu brings the salvation through the very reshaim who wish to do evil… Rabbos machshavos belev ish, vatzas Hashem hee sokum.”
Rav Shteinman added that while Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv zt”l was alive, “the koach of his Torah and remarkable hasmadah protected us and they couldn’t enact these decrees. Shortly after he passed away, all the trouble began. This is reflected in what we say in Selichos: ‘Seu heimah l’menuchos v’azvu osanu laanachos.'”
{ Israel News Bureau}
kol hacavod
May Maran continue ti guide us for many years.
kol tuv
will we start doing teshuva already? the choice is OURS how much more tzaros we need C”V
it brings tears & pain to me as I watch the tzaros getting worse & worse R”L, WHEN it could’ve all been avoided & can be stopped by Hashem right now if we do teshuva
may we all have a ksiva v’chasima tova
Moishe’la A handicapped child
Elul 13 5773 Aug 1813
Its time Am Yisrael. You better get your act together
So many things are happening in this world every single day. From hour to hour, from minute to minute, we dont know what giant new event will bring us to feel shocked, startled, afraid etc
The upheavals in the Arab countries are very frightening, especially for those who live in Eretz Yisroel, but the Israelis dont seem too disturbed.
Theyre going along happy-go-lucky or running from place to place trying to make a living, not really worrying too much about whats happening.
In the whole world, in the giant world, it seems that things are quieter, but in reality great things are happening. Very frightening things are happening, things that will bring us to a major, major explosion. The end is coming very close. Everyone with any brains in their heads, with any feelings at all, can feel, can see the terrible dark clouds amassing everywhere. The sky is full of them blocking out the rays of light. Of course Im speaking figuratively, but thats the feeling inside. Thats the feeling inside of every person who can see the truth and feel whats happening.
Im going to warn you that its time to do Teshuva. Am Yisroel, Im talking to Am Yisroel the time is coming. I would even predict that by the time Succos is over, by time they put back the Torahs after dancing on Simchas Torah and say Havdolah it will be a different world.
I want to tell you that for many years there have been handicapped adults and children writing, warning and people keep saying, Oh you said that already. It didnt happen yet. True, everyone sees that the world has become more difficult to live in, stranger, full of crazy things happening. The sinister side of the population of the world is coming to the surface. The Rishus, the evil is expanding everywhere, and oozing out from every corner, but still the average human being wants to go on with his regular life.
Very similar to World War Two, to just before World War Two. The main difference is that as evil as Hitler was, these maniacs that are trying to take over the world are ten times more evil, maybe even a million times more evil. And they are in charge of all kind of weapons, all kinds of poisons that they have already spewed into the world and are ready to destroy much of the world to gain their crazed power. Basically they are no different than previous generations of Reshoim, just they have much more technical ability to control the world.
So now where are we left, Am Yisroel? Where do we fit into all this picture? Its just as the Nevuas (prophecy) say. Read the Nevuas and youll know where we fit in. Its time Am Yisroel. You better get your act together. Its time to do Teshuva. You cant trust anything anymore, nothing, only Hashem. Well be stripped of everything. The only thing well have to lean on is our trust and our love of Hashem.
If we are really ready to sacrifice ourselves for Hashem, and to admit that everything He does is for our good, then well be saved. Its not going to be easy.
Again I warn you, make a Cheshbon Hanefesh. Make an exact Cheshbon. Make an accounting of all of your Aveiros (sins), of all of your weaknesses, of all of your Aveiros against Hashem, SheLo Naidah, of all of your Aveiros against other human beings, and beg forgiveness. Beg forgiveness. Its not enough to beg forgiveness; you have to cry. You have to feel so sorry that you ever did it, that you ever got into the stupidity of hating other people, of trying to get revenge, of taking things that aren’t yours, of doing any kind of Aveirah thats against the Torah. Cry over it. Feel in your heart, that your heart is crying over it.You must do it, Am Yisroel. Things are going to be very hard now.
They are getting more and more difficult. However its going to change drastically. All of a sudden, in one minute the whole thing will change. Well get a tremendous shock, but the whole world will change. There will be a totally different reality.
Am Yisroel I beg you, whether you are in Eretz Yisroel, or in America, or Europe, or wherever, beg Hashem, beg Hashem. It wont matter how much wealth you have . Its not going to help you. Its going to disappear with everything. Everyone will be the same. Everyone will have the same. The only ones that will be ahead of the game, are the ones with trust, Emunah, Bitachon in Hashem. And they wont be so scared.
Am Yisroel its really not a joke, and its coming very soon. And all the warnings youve been having in every direction, all the tragedies, SheLo Naidah, all the Tzaddikim that have been taken from this world, all the horrific happenings like the gay parade in Yerushayalim, like crushing up the bones of Jews that died a few thousand years ago, these horrific events bring upon us other horrific events, and we have to do Teshuva! Also if we did not raise our voices, and we did not oppose and protest. If we allowed Yerushayalim to be desecrated, if we allowed the graves of Kedoshim to be desecrated, then were at fault and well have to pay.
We have to beg forgiveness. We have to do real Teshuva. Its hard work to do Teshuva. You have to tear your clothes and cry. You have to beg. You have to cry with a broken heart. You have to feel how bad you were, how evil you were, and beg Hashem to help us destroy the evil in ourselves, and come back only to Him.
Im warning you, please do Teshuva. Survive
Do Teshuva, Am Yisroel cry out to Hashem and do Teshuva.
Wise and sobering no doubt where true greatness lies
Thank you
ELUL come on klal yesroel let us do tishuva.
let us look at Eretz Yisroel so much saris going on thaer let us bring Moshich this secend
let daven with all our harts this Rosh hshna and yom kipper
uru yisheinim mishnnaschem lets do teshuva its never to late