Report: US Halted Transfer Of Hellfire Missiles To Israel

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hellfire-missiles-israelYediot Achronot reports that the US administration has halted a shipment of Hellfire aerial anti-armor missiles to Israel, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday, citing government sources.

The sources noted that Israel had requested the transfer of ammunitions directly from the Pentagon, without receiving the approval of the White House or State Department officials.

According to the sources, White House officials were concerned about Israel’s use of artillery, instead of precision-guided munitions in the more densely populated areas in the Gaza Strip.

The paper describes a long line of battles between the administration of US President Barack Obama and the Israeli government led by Prime Minister Netanyahu, noting relations between the two countries have reached another low point. Obama and Netanyahu reportedly had a “particularly combative” phone call on Wednesday.

US officials are quoted by the Journal as saying the current Gaza conflict has “persuaded them that Mr. Netanyahu and his national security team are both reckless and untrustworthy.”

{ Israel News Bureau}


  1. Roosevelt & Churchill knew that 10,000 yiden were killed a day & they decided not to bomb the crematoriums not to intervene with the Yimach Shemom Germens way of running their country.(The crematoriums were bombed at the end of the war the the Nazis themselves to destroy evidence.) When the terrorist government of Hamas is sending missiles on civilians and Israel asking for ammunition to protect its civilians he doesn’t want to help because aisov soinai leyakov. If he doesn`t stop the terrorists there they will come to the US and bomb more than his dog. Another 9-11 is only 2 months away.Terrorist Isis is already doing a good job in Iraq, & Syria.They are on the borders of Turkey another one of Obamas friends.

  2. US government sources, especially anonymous ones working for Obama, can’t be trusted to give a complete, correct account of events. The one thing we can deduce is that they’re doing their bit to stab Israel in the back.


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