The sign language interpreter at Tuesday’s memorial service for Nelson Mandela was apparently a fake, according to a South African official. The man, who worked alongside world leaders including President Obama, “was moving his hands around but there was no meaning in what he used his hands for,” says Bruno Druchen, the director of the Deaf Federation of South Africa.
The AP reported that three sign language experts said the interpreter was not signing in either South African or American sign languages. Throughout the service, deaf users of Twitter took to the social networking site to call out the fraud, including Wilma Newhoudt, a deaf member of South Africa’s parliament tweeting, “the so-called interpreter on the stage with Cde Cyril is not signing. He’s just making up.” Read more at Sky News.
{Andy Newscenter}
Maybe it was Yiddish?
well well. Husain was lying thru his teeth as well, so it was a perfect shidduch.
Don’t these people realize that people are not stupid? The truth always catches up with you eventually!
He might be more of an interloper than an interpreter.
hillarious??? it is offensive!!
oh well
at least someone realized whose funeral it is.
this guy has got to get a gig on TV.
Perfect match for the fake phony Mandella
It should be shame for sign to deaf world who don’t understand one word from this person. This person don’t realizes how many people outside is watch him every min. Just like Hashem watch us everyday which we don’t know about it.
It should be shame for sign to deaf world who don’t understand one word from this person. This person don’t realizes how many people outside is watch him every min. Just like Hashem watch us everyday which we don’t know about it.
And Obama was probably lip-syncing along with his teleprompter 🙂
Does anyone remember comedian Gavin Wilson’s “news for the deaf” on SNL? its on par! (for those too young to remember: he used to shout the news after the anchor said it!)
oops got the name wrong its garrett morris here’s the link: