Spain Draft Law Could Grant Sephardic Jews Citizenship

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inquisition-spainSpain’s ruling Popular Party (PP) has submitted a draft law that could grant citizenship to descendants of Jews expelled from Spain during the Spanish Inquisition. The possibility of the bill was first announced last year by Spanish Justice Minister Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon. If the law is ratified, eligible Jews won’t have to relinquish their current nationalities to become naturalized Spanish citizens.

In April 2013, Portugal’s parliament ratified a similar measure granting citizenship to Jews whose ancestors were expelled from Portugal during the same period.

“The Popular Party recalls that Portugal recently passed a law that confers Portuguese nationality to descendants of Portuguese Sephardic Jews and the Spanish government must take an analogous measure,” the Spanish bill reads, according to the World Jewish Congress.


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  1. ” In 1939 we needed it.”

    Franco was one of the most evil people in the 20th century — and that is saying a lot — but he and his diplomats did save tens of thousands of Jews from the Holocaust.

  2. Jews again looking for more golus? Better to come home to EY and flood it with millions of gutte yidden and that way, it will flush out the erev rav (they’re really a minority, except they are in control at this time). Anti-Semitism is growing leaps and bounds and yet Jews would be willing to immigrate to Spain (or any country), probably one of the most anti-Semitic countries in the world and a history to prove it.


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