Trump Explains Golan Heights Decision: ‘This Is Very Important Strategically’

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President Trump said at a rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin on Saturday that recognizing Israeli control of the disputed Golan Heights territory was a decision that is “important strategically” for the nation.

Trump announced in March that the U.S. would recognize Israeli control of the territory, delivering a diplomatic win for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ahead of a tough reelection race.

During his rally on Saturday, Trump discussed the decision.

“So that’s been under consideration for 52 years, for 52 years they told me they’d been studying it,” Trump said. “This is very important strategically for victory, heights, because you’re up high, very important. Fifty-two years ago this started and I did it quickly. Done. It’s all done.”

Read more at The Hill.



  1. We, the Israeli citizens, thank you Mr. Trump, for standing side by side with Israel. May God bestow upon you happinness and success in all your endeavors.


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