United Nations Official For Children Pushing To Include IDF On Terror Blacklist

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ban-ki-moonThe United Nations special representative of the secretary-general for children and armed conflict, Leila Zerrougui, is set to recommend the blacklisting of the Israel Defense Forces for allegedly regularly causing harm to children. The designation would place the IDF in the same group as terror groups such as Islamic State, Boko Haram, and the Taliban.

According to Yediot Achronot, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is leaning towards leaving Israel off the list—despite heavy lobbying by the Palestinians and pro-Palestinian groups—over concern of damaging the world body’s relationship with the Jewish state.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry slammed the hypocrisy of the world body.

“Israel-haters are threatening the United Nations and no one is complaining about them,” a senior Foreign Ministry official said. “It’s a scandal and it’s hypocrisy. There are unfortunately a lot of situations in which children are killed in zones of conflict and yet no one dares put them on the list. Do you know how many kids the Saudis have killed while bombing Yemen? I want to see the U.N. secretary-general’s Algerian envoy dare to include Saudi Arabia on the list.”

In a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu this week, U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)—who heads the Senate Appropriations Committee’s subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs—warned the U.N. against continued hostility towards Israel and threatened to cut off U.S. aid to the world body.




  1. Just like water they will continue to find a way to hRm Israel. In retaliation Israel should stop immediately all
    Treatment of Arab children. They will be blamed for this as well


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