U.S. to Remain Vigilant Against Iran’s “Reckless Behavior,” Obama Tells Arab Newspaper

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obama1“Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism,” President Obama said in written answers submitted to Asharq Al-Awsat and published Tuesday in English and Arabic. “It helps prop up the Assad regime in Syria. It supports Hizbullah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. It aids the Houthi rebels in Yemen. So countries in the region are right to be deeply concerned about Iran’s activities, especially its support for violent proxies inside the borders of other nations.”

Obama said the U.S. would remain “vigilant against Iran’s other reckless behavior” in the region by maintaining a military presence and helping Gulf nations to deter aggression.

“We’ve continued to fully enforce sanctions against Iran for its support of terrorism and its ballistic missile program – and we will enforce these sanctions going forward, even if we reach a nuclear deal with Iran,” wrote Obama.

{CB Frommer-Matzav.com Newscenter}


  1. what is this guy drinking?

    “Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism,” President Obama said………..

    and he wants to allow them the BOMB ????????

  2. Obama said the U.S. would remain “vigilant against Iran’s other reckless behavior”

    “Other” reckless behavior, as opposed to “nuclear” reckless behavior.

    Consistently naive and reckless on the part of the President.

  3. What a strange confused man. And who will be vigilant against HIS reckless behavior? The whole world knows that his approach only emboldens and strengthens Iran. He has so far done nothing right in his tenure as president. What makes him so sure of himself? He has no successes to point to. Even his election was only based on his color, not intelligence.


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