Video: Rav Tzvi Flaum On Brain Death and P’sak Halacha

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rav-tzvi-flam[Video below.] The “Rabbinic Statement Regarding Organ Donation and Brain Death” signed by various rabbis has brought the issue of halachic death and organ donation to the forefront of halachic discussion. As stated by Agudas Yisroel, the rabbis who signed on to the aforementioned statement have essentially made a mockery of the halachic process by suggesting that a life-and-death halacha matter is to be decided by the signing on an online petition.

The statement clearly crosses the line by calling a halachic position held by a majority of major poskim today “morally untenable” and by stating that it “must thus be unequivocally rejected by Jews at the individual and the communal level.”

Be that as it may, we present here two videos featuring Rav Tzvi Flaum, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Shaarei Tzion and former rov of the White Shul in Far Rockaway. Rav Flaum has served in the rabbinate in the Bronx, Queens, Far Rockaway and the Five Towns. He is a co-author of a 110-page report issued by the RCA’s Vaad Halacha about brain death. The study, authored by Rav Asher Bush, Rav Kenneth Auman and Rabbi Flaum, leans heavily towards the p’sak of Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach and others.

In the following videos, Rav Flaum discusses organ donation and brain death, and debates Rav Shabatai Rappaport, a son-in-law of Rabbi Moshe D. Tendler and a grandson of Rav Moshe Feinstein. The video was taken several years ago.

Click below to watch:

Part I:

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Part II

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{Yossi Newscenter}



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