The Vishnitz Girls School in Hackney, north London, is facing closure by the British government because it does not include curriculum that teaches children about homosexuality and gender reassignment surgery.
According to Heat Street, a report by the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Schools (Ofsted) says that the Vishnitz Girls School does not teach its 212 attending children — aged three through eight — “a full understanding of fundamental British values.”
The report explained that the girls “are not taught explicitly about issues such as sexual orientation. This restricts pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and does not promote equality of opportunity in ways that take account of differing lifestyles.”
According to Schools Week, Vishnitz was not the only religious private school to fall short of the Ofsted checklist standards. Three schools have seen their Ofsted grades drop due to “lack of progress for pupils.” Bnos Zion of Bobov, also in Hackney, failed the Ofsted inspection because the school made “no reference to protected characteristics for sexual orientation and gender reassignment.”
According to British regulations, private schools that do not meet the Ofsted standards will have their school taken off the independent school registrar, which means that it will be a criminal offense for them to stay open. Read more at The Blaze.
Will they be going after Muslim schools?
if Conservative
of the Conservative
Party still carries meaning supposedly,
they better help for this.
jEWS voted overwhelmingly for Conservative Party
Or they should turn to the coalition partner DUP
probably who have more appreciation
for tradition
That’s ant-religious coercion. Doesnt Britian have a constitution with religious freedoms?
No, actually. In Europe in general, social justice trumps most “freedoms”, including freedom of religion and freedom of speech.
Wrong .
There is supremacy of Parliament
Which is a simply a battle of will
A big purpose behind Brexit,
was & is to Obviate this
Aware of that?
Be Strong DO NOT give in to anti Torah values!!!!!
Good morning America – I mean Good morning London GB!
A clear message from Above: Emigrate to Israel ASAP.
Unfortunately, if you follow the news, Israel’s Misrad hachinuch is heading in the same direction. Hashem Yirachem.
but here we won’t let toeivah teaching into our schools no matter what and the religious and traditional make up more than 80%of the population.
סדום ועמורה!!!
Question: there are obviously far more than these named schools for the chareidi community in England. How do they deal with the issue?
It is going to be a litmus Test
So Jewish schools faces closure for not teaching children British IMMORALITY VALUES. Will they close Muslim schools too who wouldn’t teach such filth either or are they just showing out their bigotry and racism and anti-Semitism?
Its that easy to shut down a yeshiva or a beis yaakov! Don’t think this can’t happen in the US or in Israel. Who knew that in todays day and age, with all of the religious freedoms and protections, its so simple to shut down yeshivos. Its kind of scary.
And then they wonder why The Dumb British keep getting hit with terrorism.
Wood battle. Hatchet needed.
Next week I will celebrate the Fourth of July. We became Independent of those stupid, immoral Brits who can’t even speak English properly! Hey, GB, keep taking in terrorists. You Brits are so dumb.
“Its that easy to shut down a yeshiva or a beis yaakov! Don’t think this can’t happen in the US or in Israel. Who knew that in todays day and age, with all of the religious freedoms and protections, its so simple to shut down yeshivos. Its kind of scary.”
the laws that allow this to happen are currently on the books if the state chooses to do it. right now it is smarter policy for the left to not do so, in order to get farther later.
you can thank your politicians probably all of who voted for trash bills routinely.