An NYPD internal investigation is underway as a video of an elderly Jewish man getting dragged out his vehicle by officers of the law has spread through social media.
The 71-year-old Jewish grandfather was pulled over by an NYPD 66th precinct officer last night, for allegedly talking on his cell phone while driving. After an exchange between the two parties, the man was forcibly dragged from his car, pushed to the ground and handcuffed. In the video, the man can be heard groaning and shouting as he is being arrested.
The senior, who was lightly bruised and badly shaken, was later taken to Maimonides Hospital for treatment. An internal police probe is currently investigating the matter, though no word yet of any repercussions to the officers involved.
Watch the disturbing footage below:
Those fat overweight donut eaters should be fired on the spot. Since when has NYC become a police state where cops can abuse the local taxpayers at will?! Now of course our heimishe elected officials will bend over backwards to defend the holier than thou NYPD. They did it when Gideon Bush was executed in cold blood right on the streets of Boro Park! This love-fest our local politicians have with these ticket givers are corrupt thru and thru! I wonder what they have in their closet.
Why was he arrested for talking on a cell phone? Is there more to the story?
The officer who arrested him has a long record of abusing the people of Boro Park. Shame on our so called leaders that the only way they respond is when things go public in social media. Shame on everyone in the community for not banding together and protesting.
People should not be talking on a hand-held cell phone while driving.
It is dangerous, and against the law. Especially while it is raining, as it was then.
So go beat up any one talking
I don’t know why you feel the need to show such a video. It’s shows a terrible lack of sensitivity for the victim. And at his age he could have had a heart attack!
Why is he saying I’m not laching mer nit?
“People should not be talking on a hand-held cell phone while driving.
It is dangerous, and against the law. Especially while it is raining, as it was then”
Of course they shouldn’t. But they shouldn’t be arrested and thrown to the ground like that!!! A ticket would be appropriate, but this? I don’t know the full story yet, so we can’t judge completely yet, but it looks horrible, and I’m happy they got this on video,
To bring any cop who Misuses his power to justice. Like I said don’t know the full story yet, but doesn’t look right. Also yes it his terrible that they are showing his bruised face on pictures etc. It’s not right to him, unless he’s ok with it- hoping it will help bring those people to justice.