Watch: Netanyahu Exposes Lying Israeli Media

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By Prime Minister Binyomin Netanyahu

After my speech to the UN General Assembly, I went with my wife Sara to the musical Hamilton. When I entered the main hall of the theater, more than 1,000 people welcomed us with enthusiasm. Many stood on their feet and applauded. Among the cheering crowd maybe one or two called out derogatory remarks. The audience, which was mostly composed of Americans from across the United States, included Senator Chuck Schumer.

It was hard to believe that a number of media outlets later reported that I was booed. The headline on Ynet said: “Netanyahu hassled while watching Hamilton on Broadway”. A Haaretz reporter published on his Twitter feed a headline that said: “Boos for Bibi: Israeli PM Netanyahu is jeered by Broadway crowd as he goes to watch hit musical Hamilton”.

It’s rare that one can see such a stark difference between the truth and what was reported. Watch this video and see for yourself:

{ Israel}



  1. Clever leaders roll with the good of the media.

    Netanyahu is just a bit snuffy. He does not always need the truculent approach. More Torah clearly needed.

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