Women of the Wall Demands that Matzav Remove Article Exposing Ties to Anti-Israel Elements

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women-of-the-wallTo the editor,

Please remove the “article” by Rachel Avraham posted on your site here.

According to our lawyers, the statements made by the writer, which are fictitious, constitute slander and libel. Aside from violating journalistic ethics, the association of

Matzav with this piece of writing is a stain on your reputation and integrity as a news source.

For any journalist who is interested in writing a factual piece about the non-partisan work of Women of the Wall, I am always available for comment and assistance.

I would be happy to speak more with you about this. You are welcome to contact me.


Shira Pruce

Director of Public Relations

Women of the Wall

{Matzav.com Newscenter}


  1. Every Day These Woman of The Wall Make Bigger Circus Clowns of Themselves. They should cut Their Losses and Quitely Retreat to some Corner. They are Making Themselves The Laughing Stock of The Public and Media. The Woman For The Wall Orginization Started By 2 Religious Woman In Eretz Yisroel has Made Complete Bufoons out of These Few Drei Kups

  2. Well, as per the Moriah Fund website, she is the Program Director, and their grant recipients include all of the Arabist organizations that Matzav reported. And on the WOW website, she’s listed as the “vice chair.” The evidence is quite clear.

  3. Why not open a dialogue with her? Then she can challenge the statements that she finds objectionable and we can get to the truth. By the way, I’m a lawyer, also. And I doubt the quality of their lawyers who would label a written article as slanderous. Just saying…

  4. I would like to see Matzav’s and the authors response below this letter. Posting it alone will accomplish little, particularly if they have firm grounds for their libel claims.

    If anything, perpetuating the libel could constitute grounds for a larger reward if they win in court.

  5. WOW – Women Off the Wall…
    Zionist or not, Israeli or not, female or not…
    Nothing matters except Torahseinu HaKedosha, and the conviction to fight Milchemes Channukah in OUR time.
    Women Off the Wall are present-day Chashmonaim who want to wipe out the Ruchnius of Klall Yisroel. Instead of wearing army uniforms, they wear Talleisim, and instead of crying “Attack”, they sing loudly at the Kosel.
    Sheep in wolves clothing…
    Fight them to the end… and win the war of Channukah.


    WOW – Women Off the Wall…
    Zionist or not, Israeli or not, female or not…
    Nothing matters except Torahseinu HaKedosha, and the conviction to fight Milchemes Channukah in OUR time.
    Women Off the Wall are present-day Yevanim who want to wipe out the Ruchnius of Klall Yisroel. Instead of wearing army uniforms, they wear Talleisim, and instead of crying “Attack”, they sing loudly at the Kosel.
    Sheep in wolves clothing…
    Fight them to the end… and win the war of Channukah. Be the Chashmonaim!!

  7. Ms. Pruce’s letter is quite interesting
    Certainly untruths are actionable. However I do not see that in the article. All the author did was to note that some of WoW’s leadership are associated with organizations and activities contrary to Jewish peoplehood, Zionism and Judaism. In deed participation in organizations like Adalah, Ir Amin, Yesh Din and Domari Society of Gypsies[ which is also part of Al Aqsa Grassroots, an anti-Israel network that supports “resistance to the occupation” and is against the “Judaization of Jerusalem] All points of view that are very far from venerating the Kotel as a place of worship Jewish or otherwise. As a conclusion the author drew the reasonable conclusion that the world view espoused by Ms. Hoffman and Ms. Kallus in their other activities would not inform and influence their participation in WoW and as senior leadership it is also reasonable to opine that WoW’s agenda would likewise be influenced and guided by such Anti-Zionist and self-hating Anti Semitism Last time I checked reasonable conclusions even ones that can be debated are still protected speech. Ms. Pruce only responded regarding untruths reported about WoW and not their Leadership. Further there is no showing of special damages arising from the publication of the alleged defamatory article. The fact that the first reaction is the threat of a frivolous suit initiated solely to cause a potential underfunded defendant crippling expense speaks volumes. Ms. Pruce you have the right to speak your mind and defend WoW’s sincerity of purpose but this way shame on you.

  8. Keep it up, Matzav!
    Tell us what kind of money these NGO pays the WOW for rabble rousing & slandering our nation.

  9. Their ties to the New Israel Fund is old news and has been reported

    It is interesting that they feel a need to threaten yeshvish websites. I take that to mean they feel they are in a weak position.

  10. Make sure you get snapshots of everything you researched, in case they whitewash it before slapping you with a suit (which is probably unlikely).

  11. WoW, stop your threats and let people decide for themselves. All these allegations are public knowledge and easily verifiable. If your leaders defend these more left leaning positions be honest about it. Thank you Matzav- please do not take this down.

  12. In my view, the Woman of the Wall lost all their credibility by going against the will of all the authentic Torah sages in Israel. Once their credibility is lost, coupled with the fact that they would naturally like to have good PR, I feel confident that WoW does indeed have the intentions of going against Israel in a sneaky and sly way. How disgusting! However, when Moshiach comes, which will most likely be within a few years, they will be punished severely for their evil behavior.

  13. This ought to be a powerful lesson.

    When we launch an offensive against one or more of the worlds’ seemingly hopeless hundred foot giants,they crumble ..

    ‘Kain yovdu kol oyedecha


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