In First, Israeli Court Backs ‘Silent’ Davening On Har Habayis

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Jerusalem Magistrates Court Judge Bilha Yahalom ruled on Wednesday that the silent prayer of Jews on the Har Habayis is allowed, saying it cannot be deemed a “criminal act.”

The ruling was the first by an Israeli court to support Jewish prayer at the site, the holiest in Judaism. The Har Habayis complex also houses the Al-Aqsa Mosque—the third-holiest site for Muslims—making it the most volatile spot in Jerusalem.

Seeking to maintain the fragile status quo in the capital, Jews are barred from prayer there.

Still, the practice of “silent prayer,” devoid of any overt markings of a religious ceremony, such as tallis and tefillin, has been taking place almost daily in the eastern part of the complex, with the consent of the police, albeit informally.

Lippo’s daily arrival at the Har Habayis “indicates that this is a matter of principle and substance for him,” the Yahalom said, adding that footage of his tefillah indicated that he was not in violation of current guidelines on the Har Habayis.

“We have shown that the Protection of Holy Places Law also applies to Jews, and the most sacred place for the people of Israel on the Har Habayis,” Lippo said, referring to the legislation ensuring freedom of worship for all religions in holy sites across Israel. “The police also wished me luck because we all understand that it is time to fulfill the dream of the generations and serve God in Zion without fear.”

A group calling itself the “Headquarters of the Temple Organizations” welcomed of the ruling, “which recognizes the positive process going on at the Har Habayis.”

Right-wing lawyer Moshe Polsky said, “We welcome the court’s decision, which effectively upholds what has actually been happening on the Temple Mount over the past year, and is a de facto statement for Jews who visit the Har Habayis and want to pray,” he told local media.




  1. Why is this a so called Positive anouncment ?
    Who wants tomai people (all Jews today ) walking around on Har Habayis ?
    Are we insane??
    the talmidai Hagrah and the Yishuv Hayashon never went on Har Habayis at all

    This is another maseh soton of this secular Regime

    • but the goyim walking around on har habayes doesn’t upset you? parading a pagan religion in the holiest place for jews? why is jews fighting with their
      literal presence for the future sovereignty of har habayes any different than jews in ancient times defending the beis hamikdosh? in the goyish world the world doesn’t think the har habayes is Jewish territory. would you have it stay that way?

  2. Reshaim and Shotim. Backing “silent prayer” in the one place in the world it’s an Isur Kareis to stand.
    And to those who will quote a bunch of Rabbis who know better than the Chazon Ish ztz”l, Rav Shlomo Zalman ztz”l, Rav Elyashiv ztz”l, Chacham Ovadia ztz”l etc etc etc, please forgive us. We simple Shomrei TU”M are not on your madreigah.

  3. Why do we have to daven at the Kotel and have their speakers blasting at us with their prayers constantly? Can’t we rule against this or at least silence the speakers coming in the direction of the Kotel?

  4. Hi.
    I’d appreciate if any of the commentators here could point to a source that says the place that people use TODAY for davening on Ha HaBayis carries an issur karet. (I refer to the place where people go TODAY, not where they could at one time POTENTIALLY go, because given the police presence, the strict rules, and the fencing off, there is no POSSIBILITY that those going up to daven would enter the areas that are even a safek karet. In other words, the situation is completely different now, as compared to how it was formerly. )

  5. Up news. But down negative bread.

    The mundane dry clear world sees unorthodox conspiracy. Hashem is a king thankful. We drive it that his Mount is not ready.

    No worship is clearly better worship. The price is more grass cross serious war.

  6. Actually none of them have said it’s an issue kares to go on har habayit because that would be crazy and against our religion. What they said was the halcha that its an issur kares to go in the azara area. Their “opinion” which is 100% valid due to what would happen, is to make a blanket rule that since we aren’t 100% sure where the azara was, no jew should go up because even though there’re areas where it’s 100% ok to go up, non fearing and unknowledgable jews will err and or not care and violate the sanctity of the site


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