A Midwood family is dazzling their neighborhood with their annual Chanukah light display.
Every year, Gail and David Fuchs turn their home into the Chanukah House.
The tradition started decades ago after they got an innocent question from their son.
“Chanukah is the festival of lights, why don’t I see any?” he asked.
Since then, the couple has decked out their home with a large display of lights for nearly 25 years.
An iconic part of the display is the larger-than-life menorah, which David Fuchs says he made himself.
“It’s a lot of fun to see something you create put into something like this, so everybody could enjoy it,” he says.
I am glad they are having fun with it, but why the xmus-wannabe references? There is no “Chanuka fairy”,or ” Chanuka elf”.
נהיה ככל הגוים בית ישראל
Kiddush Hashem. Me kiamcha yisroel?
Mityavnim… Exact opposite of Chanukah
We are not like the goyim! Our mitzva is lighting the menorah and not lighting up the house! This is a chilul Hashem! It has no place in Yiddishkeit!
Jewishless Jews after 25 years, how sad.
Chaza”l told us what “light” means. What a missed opportunity for chinuch wasted on trying to be like the goyim.
The goyim do that for their holidays. It is chukas hagoyim to do this!
So are concerts and circuses.
איכה יעבדו הגוים האלה את אלהיהם ואעשה כן גם אני