9 Reasons Why CBD Oil Might Not Work for You

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CBD oil is an incredible natural substance derived from the Cannabis Sativa plant, which promises effective results against anxiety and stress. Many people just tried to take CBD oil to get unsatisfactory results. This created doubt about the benefits of this natural product and gave rise to the issue of CBD oil has no effect. We will address the top nine causes of why CBD might not work.

1.Low-Quality CBD Oil Products

The lack of regulation is one big problem affecting CBD. It is not subject to strict marketplace rules, as it is not FDA approved. As a result, a minefield of snake-oil salespeople must be navigated by customers. Sadly, not all brands of CBD stick to protocols for quality control. Therefore, if CBD does nothing for you, to start with, it could be a case of the product not having a lot of cannabidiol.

2.The wrong type 

The type of hemp CBD oil that you consume is vital to understand. There is a significant distinction between CBD full-spectrum, CBD broad spectrum. 

The full spectrum applies to an extract of a whole plant. A full spectrum extract, in addition to CBD, contains 100 + other cannabinoids, terpenes, and amino acids. The best in all worlds is the broad-spectrum CBD oil. It starts as a full-spectrum oil, and then it eliminates the THC. Without any chance of consuming THC, broad-spectrum CBD oil has all the advantages of full-spectrum oil.

3.The Wrong Dosage 

You might take the wrong dosage if you have tried CBD oil and it did not worked. This could mean that too little or too much is taken. Although there is no right dose for everyone, it is an individual process that each person must undergo to find the optimal dose. To find the right dose of CBD oil for you will require a bit of trial and failure. 

4.Incorrect CBD Oil Using

The way you consume CBD is very necessary. When you take CBD oil orally, in the forms of edibles or capsules, your stomach filtering out a significant part of the CBD. The bioavailability of a cannabinoid taken orally is quite poor. The liver does not metabolize CBD oil when taken sublingually; this approach leads to greater bioavailability. When vaping, CBD enters the bloodstream directly through the lungs, with reduced rates of breakdown and greater overall bioavailability. CBD oil in the forms of topical creams give response only the localized area to which it has been applied on the skin.

5.Tolerance Developing

Of all the reasons why CBD does not work for you, developing tolerance is by far the least likely. Even so, consider taking a week or two away if you use 100 mg or more a day for several months, and feel as if you are no longer getting the same benefits as before. When you return to CBD, track how you feel.

6.Taking CBD on an empty stomach

If taken orally, CBD is better eaten with a little food. Because of our harsh stomach acids, CBD oil intake on an empty stomach does not function as well. When there is no other material to slow down such acids, these acids can break down the compound significantly. Research shows that eating CBD with dietary fat contributes to increased bioavailability. 


We are all wired differently, and genetics plays a major role on how we respond to CBD. The fact is that for everyone, CBD oil will not be 100 percent effective. CBD oil isn’t different. With low doses, some people will just be more receptive and notice the effects right away, while others will require higher doses to reap any advantages, if at all. 

8.Your lifestyle

We certainly have control over our lifestyle and everyday behaviors, unlike our genetics, which we don’t have control over. For example, if anyone drinks large quantities of alcohol, eats “junk food” excessively, and consumes no fruits and vegetables, only by taking some CBD oil, they would have trouble reversing the results of their habits.

9.You’re Not Patient!

Too many patients believe that cannabidiol can provide their medical complaint with a ‘cure’. Don’t be disappointed if CBD doesn’t work for pain completely if you have suffered from debilitating pain for years. Don’t expect a scenario in five minutes where you use CBD and feel ‘better’! It takes weeks of everyday use to recognize many of the potential effects, such as anti-inflammatory properties. Be patient and wait until a full bottle of CBD oil is out, or use a CBD product every day for a month, before evaluating its effectiveness.


If you have used CBD and are disappointed in the perceived lack of impact. It could be something as simple as not using a high-quality item, or else you don’t use enough CBD every day. Alternatively, you might be unlucky, because your genetic disposition ensures that you are not influenced in a similar way to others by cannabinoids. On the positive hand, since you are in excellent health, it will not work. In the world, that’s hardly the worst thing.


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