They were a young happy family just like any other. The father, R’ Dovid Oberlander, was working hard and was fortunate enough to have a decent paying job, enabling him to provide for his family.
Several months ago, during the height of Covid, their oldest son was about to be Bar Mitzvah. However since larger celebrations were banned, they decorated their home, and just celebrated his Bar Mitzvah with the immediate family.
Mendy was beaming as he sat at the table flanked by his father and grandfather, R’ Moshe Yosef Oberlander. The Bar Mitzvah was over, and life went on.
Several months later… Crisis Struck…
Zeidy contracted Covid… A couple of days later Encle Yechiel contracted Covid…
Then, Bam! Totty Contracts Covid!
At first, they all remained quarantined at home, trying their best to maintain their oxygen levels, but their conditions continued to deteriorate… and within days uncle Yechiel had to be transported to the hospital!
Several days later, Father and Son – Yes, his only son – get transported to the Corona Ward in the hospital ON THE SAME DAY!
Their condition started deteriorating rapidly… on July 19th, Zeidy succumbed to this dreadful virus…
At the funeral, R’ Dovid – an only son, and the only one who can recite Kadish after his father, barely uttered the words of Kadish over the phone from his hospital bed. This Kadish was some of the last words his mouth uttered before losing consciousness.
The endless streams of tears from these little kids, begging Totty to wake up, to breathe on his own, to come home again, flowed freely day after day after day.
Two weeks later. Boom! Uncle Yechiel succumbed to the virus! The children were grief stricken! What about Totty? Is he going to come home? Hysteria started setting in with every passing day… They kept on weeping and begging hashem “Please, this cannot happen!”
Sadly, it did. This family has been pounded with a third strike. On the day of the Shloshim of his father, Totty joined his father in heaven.
The trauma, the grief, the shock, the acute agony of these little kids is unimaginable. Loss after loss, being topped off with a devastating knockout.
Now this family is left bereft of their father’s love, his gentle smile, his comforting presence, and most of all his financial support.
How can this young family survive?
Dear fellow Jews, unless we come together as children of the same father, and help this grief-stricken family, these children will be orphaned over and over again.
An emergency campaign has been launched to establish a fund, to support this family, and serve as a financial bedrock which will offer them a sense of normalcy while trying to emerge from this terrible tragedy.
This family is counting on your generous support. Can they count on you?
By clicking this link now, you will send a comforting message to this heartbroken family, that they’re not alone, that they have the unwavering support of Klal Yisroel, and we will not let them fend for themselves