‘A Woman Is A Woman, A Man Is A Man’: Putin Compares Gender Nonconformity To The Coronavirus Pandemic

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During a wide-ranging televised annual news conference Thursday that last some four hours, Russian President Vladimir Putin, moving between topics including harvest yields, the coronavirus and military buildup on the border with Ukraine, veered into a discussion of gender roles. He compared gender nonconformity and the push for so-called “gender rights” to “new strains” of a “pandemic” much like the coronavirus.

In response to a question from a reporter for RT, a state media company, about his views on “problems in Western society,” “cancel culture” and Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling’s views on gender, Putin doubled-down on long-held views on the correctness of traditional conceptions of gender.

“If someone thinks that women and men are the same thing, then be my guest. But there is common sense,” he said. “I stick to the traditional approach that a woman is a woman, a man is a man, a mom is a mom, and a dad is a dad.”

He said that in the case of athletes, if a man “declares himself a woman and decides to compete in weightlifting or some other sport, women’s sports would cease to exist altogether.”

“We can’t get away from it,” he said. “We need to look for antidotes that are effective.”

Putin has frequently used public appearances to take conservative positions on culture war issues that he sees as Western, liberal viruses spreading in Russian society.

In remarks at the annual meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club in Sochi in October, he said the fact that children in the West are “taught that a boy can become a girl and vice-versa” is “on the verge of a crime against humanity.”

(c) 2021, The Washington Post · Maite Fernández Simon 



  1. Probably the only yiras shomayim of all the world leaders and not afraid to say what needs to be said. Even Israel’s bottle cap is a lowlife mushchus.

  2. It is a shame that he is a communist and former KGB head. Otherwise he makes a lot of sense. He is not afraid to say that the emperor has no cloth. Why don’t you have that in the U S A ???

  3. Quite few Western leaders share his thoughts, but are too afraid to voice them, and to lose their voter base.
    Aside from that, ask the liberals whose own children decided to get neutered and mutilated, whether they still believe that multiple genders exist and all must be supported. You may be surprised.

  4. Maybe it fits Russia to help the antidote course of help claim. However you get this one, a beard is an antidote remedy. Putin seems to cut his. Nu? Another mother.

  5. According to the latest protocols put out by the filthy reprobate transgenders who control the media these days, only a white Anglo-Saxon hetero Republican male is allowed to be made fun of. Everybody/thing else is off limits. That’s deemed racist and homophobic. Welcome to Sedom!

  6. The only world leader we have heard who has stated what should be common sense. He is also the world leader who is the greatest supporter of Torah in the world.


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