Abbas’ Advisor: Allah is Punishing World with COVID for Ignoring Palestinian Plight

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Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ advisor on religious affairs Mahmoud Al-Habbash claimed late last month that all catastrophes that have recently befallen the world, including the Coronavirus (COVID-19 pandemic, are caused by Israel, “the oppressor,” and also the silent bystanders around the world who let the “injustice” happen to “Palestine.”

Basing his premise on Islamic tradition according to which the Prophet Muhammad said that “if the people see the oppressors and do not protest against them, they are liable to all be included in the punishment,” Al-Habbash, the PA’s Supreme Shari’ah Judge, stated on official PA TV on November 26 that “Abu Bakr (founder of the Rashidun Caliphate) said: ‘I heard Allah’s Messenger say: If the people see the oppressors and do not protest against them, they are liable to all be included in the punishment.’ In other words, Allah is liable to bring down punishment on everyone, on all the people who are silent facing injustice, agree with injustice, and defend the oppressors.”

“I think that today we are seeing the realization of this Hadith (oral traditions and practices attributed to Prophet Muhammad) as reality. All of humanity, from one end of the earth to the other, is being included in one punishment, in this disaster [of the Coronavirus] that has befallen humanity,” he explained, according to a translation by Palestinian Media Watch.

“Is there a greater injustice than the injustice directed against us? Our land was stolen, our people were expelled, our holy sites were desecrated, and not only is the entire world silent facing the oppressors but they are also blaming the victim,” he declared.

“The punishment that is befalling all of humanity – the rise in prices, economic collapse, epidemics, climate change, global warming – everything that is happening in the universe is because of the injustice,” he asserted.

Al-Habbash has previously made numerous statements of an antisemitic and outlandish nature. [Tazpit News Agency]

{ Israel}


  1. He is half right. The world is being punished because they are silent in the face of Palestinian terrorist attacks against the Jewish people.

  2. The world denies Israel its G-d given rights to its land and to protect the Jewish citizens of Eretz Yisroel, which includes Yehuda and Shomron.


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