Abbott Launches 5-Minute Virus Test for Use Almost Anywhere

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Abbott Laboratories is unveiling a coronavirus test that can tell if someone is infected in as little as five minutes, and is so small and portable it can be used in almost any health-care setting.

The medical-device maker plans to supply 50,000 tests a day starting April 1, said John Frels, vice president of research and development at Abbott Diagnostics. The molecular test looks for fragments of the coronavirus genome, which can quickly be detected when present at high levels. A thorough search to definitively rule out an infection can take up to 13 minutes, he said.

Abbott has received emergency use authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration “for use by authorized laboratories and patient care settings,” the company said on Friday.

Read more.



  1. In my humble opinion I would suggest (with your Doctor’s advice) for anyone that is especially at risk to leave the Tri state area ASAP! It seems like it’s more dangerous to live here then in Kabul.

  2. Follow our Torah leadership in following medical guidelines and most importantly, refrain from lashon harah and bitul Torah.

    We have the cure – pure/Totah speech – we just need to apply it generously throughout all of our communities, worldwide.


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