Afghanistan’s Last Jew Leaves Country After Taliban Takeover

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Afghanistan’s last member of the Jewish community, a man who was born in the country and considered it his home, has finally left following the Taliban’s takeover last month.

Zebulon Simentov, 62, lived in a dilapidated synagogue in Kabul, kept kosher and prayed in Hebrew, while enduring decades of war as the country’s centuries-old Jewish community dwindled.

Moti Kahana, an Israeli-American businessman who runs a private security group that organized the evacuation, told The Associated Press Simentov had lived under Taliban rule before and was not worried about them.

But Kahana said he warned Simentov that he was at risk of being killed by the far more radical ISIS group who is responsible for last month’s terrorist attack at Kabul’s airport that killed 13 U.S. service members and 169 Afghans.

Kahana said Simentov’s neighbors also pressed him to leave so that their children could join him on the bus out.

Kahana said that Simentov and 29 of his neighbors – nearly all of them women and children – have been taken to a “neighboring country.” They have joined an exodus of tens of thousands of Afghans who have fled since the Taliban retook the country.

Read more at Fox News.



  1. He didn’t want to come to Israel because he is a מעגן for decades and doesn’t want the Israeli govt to force him to give the get.

  2. So will he be giving his wife a get or not?! All this other nonsense is meaningless. We he be allowed to keep his wife an aguna???


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