Agudath Israel of New Jersey has applauded NJ Governor Chris Christie on his State of the State Address and his commitment to Educational Reform.
“We have attempted for a long time to have Leadership in Trenton recognize the importance of School Choice, for our children and for our families, and Governor Christie confirmed his support for our hopes of serious change by stressing the necessity of passing the bi-partisan Opportunity Scholarship Act (S-1872) “immediately – without delay”, in his first State of the State Address” said Josh Pruzansky, Executive Director of Agudath Israel of New Jersey.
In a showing of bi-partisan support of this landmark legislation, the Senate Budget Committee has posted the OSA (Opportunity Scholarship Act, S-1872) on its agenda for this Thursday, January 20th.
“We thank the Governor for his vision of offering every child in New Jersey an opportunity to receive an excellent education,” says Josh Pruzansky. “We hope that the Legislature, led by Senate President Stephen Sweeney and Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver, will partner with him in making this goal a reality in New Jersey.”