Al Sharpton Says Almost All-White Jury in Arbery Case Decided ‘Black Lives Do Matter’

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Speaking outside a courthouse in Glynn County, Georgia, Reverend Al Sharpton said today’s guilty verdict in the case of Ahmaud Arbery’s murder signaled that the almost all-white jury decided that “Black lives do matter,” Newsweek reports.

“A jury of 11 whites and one Black, in the Deep South, stood up in the courtroom and said that Black lives do matter,” Sharpton said at a press conference.

Leading the group in prayer, Sharpton said “[God] came in the state of Georgia—a state known for segregation, a state known for Jim Crow—and you turned it around. You took a young, unarmed boy…and you put his name in history.”

“Years from now, decades from now, they’ll be talking about a boy named Ahmaud Arbery that taught this country what justice looks like,” he added.

Sharpton thanked everyone who marched in the Black Lives Matter protests demanding justice for Arbery and his family and for marching and rallying outside of the courthouse, despite comments from the defendants’ defense attorneys referring to them as a “lynch mob.”

“They kept on marching and let us know that all whites are not racists and all the Blacks are not worthless,” he said. Read more at Newsweek.



  1. Hey there brudda AL, I didn’t hear you make the same claim when 4 black men attacked a fellow black man in his wheel chair yesterday. Seemingly only some black lives matter – others don’t. You pick and choose whose life matters and whose doesn’t.

    • absolutely right! But the race baiter had to show up along with that Crump ambulance chaser. And wasn’t hymietown jessie Jackson in the court till they booted him

  2. What a hack! The sentence “Black lives matter” and the organization “Black Lives Matter” have nothing important in common, so put a sock in it, Al, and go find some new funerals to chase.

  3. Black hats matter. If you don’t wear one by while walking outdoors, you won’t be getting a good shidduch. You’ll only get the pisoles. Wearing a hat is an indication that one will be a great husband and father.


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