Alex Jones Found Liable For Conspiracy Theories About School Shootings

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Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was found legally responsible in two lawsuits for damages resulting from his claims about the Sandy Hook school shooting in 2012, according to court documents released Thursday.

A judge issued default judgments Monday against Jones and his right-wing website Infowars for failing to comply with orders to provide information for the lawsuits brought by parents of two children killed in the shooting, according to CNN. The rulings effectively mean that Jones lost the cases by default, CNN noted. A jury will decide how much he will owe the plaintiffs.

Jones has erroneously claimed that the shooting at Sandy Hook was a hoax carried out by crisis actors and planned by opponents of the Second Amendment. Several families of the victims sued Jones for defamation in courts in Texas and Connecticut, where the shooting took place.

Jones and Infowars attorney Norm Pattis put out a statement Thursday slamming the judge’s decision.

“The trial court’s entry of a default in these cases is stunning,” the statement said. “It takes no account of the tens of thousands of documents produced by the defendants, the hours spent sitting for depositions and the various sworn statements filed in these cases.”

“We are distressed by what we regard as a blatant abuse of discretion by the trial court,” the statement continued. “We are determined to see that these cases are heard on the merits.”

Read more at The Hill.



  1. The Sandy Hook shooting has been proven without a doubt that it’s 100% fake.


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