AMA Document: Doctors Should Use Language ‘Inspired By Critical Race Theory’

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The American Medical Association on Thursday released a document with guidance on how to support physicians’ conversations with patients using “equity-focused, first-person language.”

The document cites that language “commonly used” ought to be replaced with words inspired by “critical race theory … gender studies, disability studies, as well as scholarship from social medicine.”

“Narratives that uncritically center meritocracy and individualism render invisible the very real constraints generated and reinforced by poverty, discrimination and ultimately exclusion,” the document reads.

“Yet a rich tradition of work in health equity and related fields, including critical race theory (defined in the glossary), gender studies, disability studies, as well as scholarship from social medicine, gives us a foundation for an alternative narrative, one that challenges the status quo, one that moves health care towards justice.”

While the 54-page document states that it intends to “notice and question dominant narratives,” it then goes on to offer a glossary of terms as to what a “commonly used” word — used by doctors — should be replaced with, such as the “equity-focused atlernative” terms spanning the length of the document.

Read more at NEWSMAX.



  1. Any doctor I consult who speaks to me in woke I will walk out of his office at never come back.

    I don’t want to be treated by a doctor who has the time to read 64 pages of gobbldiguk.

  2. Prior to treating any patients, especially the critically ill or trauma cases, a good physician must, absolutely MUST ascertain whether the patient has ever been marginalized, disadvantaged, labeled, oppressed, or otherwise made feel bad due to race, gender, or disorientation. Those facts must be well documented, and placed in the most conspicuous spot in the patient’s chart. Then, and only then, the physician should express his feelings of sympathy, to validate the patient’s perceptions of life’s experiences.
    Afterwards, the said patient should be presented with options of which race and gender medical staffers could provide vital care, and of which bathroom the patient would prefer to use, should he or she survive the hour.
    Also, if the hospital belongs to an institution of higher learning, which may have either used slave labor for building a study hall 150 miles away, OR had restrictive admissions policies 80 years ago, the minority patient must be treated for free, AND provided with reasonable reparations upon release.
    It goes without saying that the patient MUST be asked for preferred pronouns, even if sedated or intubated, without which all possible treatment would, by definition, be discriminatory.
    Should any of the above steps be omitted, a committee of patient advocates must be summoned, to penalize the physicians, the hospital, the state, and everyone else who conceivably made the probably-dead-by-then patient feel less than a straight white male oppressor.

  3. Good bye America. It was once a great Country. Now it’s in the toilet. Congress wants to hit the flush lever.

  4. i would walk out of the office of any doctor who subscribed to any of this idiocy. upon denying the way HaShem created humanity, i would not trust the veracity of anything he tells me


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