Anti-Vaxxer Tries, Fails, to Dodge Getting His Shot by Wearing Fake Arm

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An anti-vaxxer in Italy was so determined not to get his COVID-19 shot—but still obtain a health pass—that he allegedly turned up to his appointment wearing a fake arm. According to the Guardian, the unnamed man, 50, brazenly entered the vaccine clinic in the city of Biella, sat down, and lifted up his sleeve as if everything was normal. However, the eagle-eyed health worker noticed something was amiss. “At first I thought I made a mistake, that it was a patient with an artificial arm,” Filippa Bua told Italian media. “The color of the arm made me suspicious and so I asked the man to uncover the rest of his left arm. It was well-made but it wasn’t the same color [as the rest of the arm].” Bua claims the man then said to her, “Would you have imagined that I’d have such a physique?”

It’s not clear if the entire arm was fake or he was wearing a thick covering over his existing arm. The Guardian reports that, following the failed stunt, the man is facing charges of fraud. Last week, Italy announced measures barring unvaccinated people from a long list of activities. Read more at The Guardian.



  1. The full writeup at The Guardian quotes two involved officials: “Cirio and Icardi said the case would ‘border on the ridiculous’ were it not ‘for the fact that we are talking about a gesture of enormous gravity.’ ‘It is unacceptable in the face of the sacrifice that the pandemic is making the whole community pay for,’ they added.”

    The truth though, is that WHAT IS UNACCEPTABLE are Cirio and Icardi’s remarks, and the entire situation of this heavy-handed forcing people to take this excessively dangerous vaccine “in the face of” the many millions of people, Hashem Yinakem Damam, who have already been killed by it.

  2. It is extremely, extremely tragic that a person would be compelled to have to do this in order to try to keep a few of his rightful freedoms that he deserves from being so abusively taken away. He certainly did nothing wrong at all. On the contrary, he is a real hero!

    He did like what countless people are advised to do when they go away on a vacation: to stop delivery of mail & newspapers to their homes. In this way, wicked thieves who would want to break into their homes WILL NOT SEE a bunch of neglected newspapers piled in front of the door and will thus be “frauded” into thinking that the family is still around!

  3. Quote: “following the failed stunt, the man is facing charges of fraud.”



    Yes, you heard what I said: “What about the ‘fraud’ of the vaccines”?????

    Yes, what about the “fraud” that the vaccines are “safe”?????

    Yes, what about the “fraud” that they were “approved” by the FDA?????

    Yes, what about the “fraud” that they are “95% effective”?????

    Yes, what about the “fraud” that with the vaccines,
    things will return back to “normal”?????

    Yes, what about the “fraud” that “no one has died from them”?????

  4. While the guy brilliantly succeeded in showing total disdain for the wicked mandate, even if he would not have been caught, what he did would probably not have saved him from the vaccine. If the artificial armpiece had been merely a covering over his real arm, the needle of the syringe (containing the vaccine liquid) would have easily penetrated that covering and would have probably reached his real arm and cut into it. Especially now that it has been reported that this has been attempted, clinics will make sure to use syringes with long needles that will FOR SURE reach all the way down and cut into the real arm.

    If the armpiece had been constructed as a whole separate “arm” (that would have successfully fooled the nurse), so, yes, he would have successfully avoided the vaccine liquid being injected into his blood, as it was, instead, shot into the armpiece. However, he would have then had to handle this armpiece containing the vaccine liquid. And the material of these Covid vaccines is so excessively strong and potent and deadly that JUST BEING AROUND THEM can be very harmful!

    So, B’Ezras Hashem, different strategies are needed to thwart the wicked mandate.


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