Antibody Tests For Covid-19 Wrong Half The Time, CDC Says

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Antibody tests used to determine if people have been infected in the past with Covid-19 might be wrong up to half the time, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in new guidance posted on its website, CNN reports.

Antibody tests, often called serologic tests, look for evidence of an immune response to infection. “Antibodies in some persons can be detected within the first week of illness onset,” the CDC says. They are not accurate enough to use to make important policy decisions, the CDC said. “Serologic test results should not be used to make decisions about grouping persons residing in or being admitted to congregate settings, such as schools, dormitories, or correctional facilities,” the CDC says.

“Serologic test results should not be used to make decisions about returning persons to the workplace.”

Health officials or health care providers who are using antibody tests need to use the most accurate test they can find and might need to test people twice, the CDC said in the new guidance.



  1. This headline, and to some degree, the article, is very misleading. It says nowhere that the approved test, such as the one administered thorough The Mayo Clinic, is inaccurate. It likewise does not discuss the accuracy of these tests when performed two weeks (instead of one) after the infected individual presented symptoms.

  2. Was there any study on cnn? They are so biased they would argue trump has a comet up his nostril and they checked for corona in Mars by going through the window called Twitter #Trump’gNosed.

  3. anti-body tests for covid-19 wrong half the time because the other half of the time it’s uncle-body.


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