AOC: ‘Critically Important’ Progressive Like Bernie Gets Cabinet Seat

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It is “critically important” for Joe Biden to offer self-proclaimed Democratic-socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., a Cabinet position, according to fellow progressive firebrand Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

“I think what a lot of people kind of misunderstand about the progressive movement is that it wasn’t a slogan when Bernie ran on saying, ‘Not me, us,'” AOC told CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday. “And so it’s not just about where Bernie Sanders is next term or what role that Sen. Sanders is playing, but it’s really about who the Biden administration is choosing to lead agencies across the board.

“I think it is critically important that Biden administration appoint progressive leaders.”

Read more at NEWSMAX.



  1. Are the stupid moderate democrats who thought they’d be getting a moderate liberal administration, you’re in for a rude awakening! You will be longing for a Trump administration. If these progressive socialists don’t get what they want, this country is going to burn. This is only the beginning. Just like the yetzer huru. He first gets a foothold by being a little moderate and then he takes over!

  2. AOC is talking about giving Bernie Sanders a seat just to keep the smokescreen going. After all they haven’t fabricated a report about him for a long time. Can we expect another one from Hillary soon?

  3. To Mordechai: Well said! It’s scary how many supposedly sane, mature adults don’t see what the Democrats stand for – and even worse, where they are headed -! VOTE ! and VOTE REPUBLICAN!!! SAVE OUR COUNTRY!!!!!!!!


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