AOC Hints AIPAC Responsible For Democrats’ Defeat

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  1. AOC and her idiotic buddies of the squad,actually is a reason why many democrats voted for trump.those few are totally unamerican.she only wins in her off the wall areas.but she is despised on a national level.i suspect Harris told those chazeirim to keep a low profile in the weeks before the election.

  2. Yep, it’s the Jooooz.
    Inflation? Joooooz.
    Coronavirus? Also the Jooooz.
    AIDS? Them Jooooz again.
    Remember, it’s not antisemitic to be anti-Israel.
    Remember, it’s not antisemitic to be an antisemite.

  3. “…Frequently voice criticism of Israel”
    Seriously?? Call her and the squad what they really are . Rabid antisemites! Why sugarcoat it? Unless of course, Matzav, you agree that all they are frequent “critics” of Israel

  4. Sometimes she lies. Sometimes she has no idea. And sometimes she manages to do both. She is not just dumber than a rock. She is also malicious. She has no business in any public office. It is a disgrace that anyone pays attention to her. The media should also ignore her. Barking dogs at least have sane form of thought behind their noise.


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