APP Fires Reporter After Coming Under Fire For Anti-Semitic, Misogynistic Photo Caption

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The Asbury Park Press came under intense fire after a photo of an Orthodox Jewish nurse filling a syringe with the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine had a racist and misogynistic caption under it.

The APP on Tuesday morning released the following statement concerning the incident:

The call came shortly after 7:30 p.m. Sunday. A photo with an obscene and offensive caption had been published on, appearing in a photo gallery that accompanied a story about a Lakewood health center administering COVID-19 vaccines.

I was shocked and disgusted when I learned it was true. We immediately issued an apology, but I also want to be transparent with you about what happened and what actions we’ve taken since to ensure it does not happen again.

I won’t repeat the caption here, but the words were offensive to women, the Jewish community and Lakewood, and included a slang term that was simultaneously offensive to Jews and Asian Americans. I thought someone had hacked our content management system. In reality, it was a reporter who admitted that he did a “stupid, stupid thing.”

This was an inexcusable act. The objectification of women and religious insults are intentional actions.

The reporter in question is no longer with the company.

He wrote an apology that reads, in part: “I’ve prided myself as a man who has been an advocate and supporter of women’s rights and cultural sensitivity, but this caption shows that I have plenty of work to do to address my own issues to make sure that my words and actions always treat others with respect.”

Here is how that caption got past our safeguards:

A reporter had taken photos of vaccinations, including one event in Lakewood on Feb. 25. That image remained in his camera until he wrote a story on Saturday, March 20, and uploaded 22 images into our content management system. Our reporters and photographers can file their images directly into the system, ensuring that breaking news can get to readers as quickly as possible. The usual safeguards involve an editor or digital producer reading the story and captions before publication.

But the system does allow staffers to publish directly to our website and mobile app. We trust the professionalism of our employees and know speed can be important when covering breaking news. This system has been in use for nearly a decade, and across our suite of 250-plus publications, we have not had a similar incident to this one.

Unfortunately, the offensive caption was live from Saturday night until it was discovered later Sunday. It was on the last of 22 photos, and no second set of eyes had reviewed the images. The late hour and the self-publication led the story to blend in with the dozens of other stories on the site without the proper safety checks.

As the executive editor, I take full responsibility. It is my job to ensure that the Press serves the public every day and that our content is fair and accurate. Each staffer goes through mandatory diversity and sensitivity training. Last year, I established a diversity, equality and inclusiveness group to reinforce our commitment to all communities of color and gender at the Jersey Shore.

The last five of our nine most recent hires have been diverse candidates. In a survey of all Gannett newsrooms, the Press had one of the most diverse news staffs in the company, reflecting the diverse nature of the Jersey Shore.

The error of one staffer is not reflective of our newsroom. Our reporters, photographers, producers, editors and support staff are dedicated, hard-working professionals who take pride in serving you each day.

On Monday, I instructed our staff to always put two sets of eyes on each piece of content, including stories and photos. No photo and caption will be published without another staffer looking it over, regardless of the time of day.

I know the Press failed you this weekend. But please understand how seriously we take our responsibility to this community, now and in the days and years to come. I’d like to reiterate my apology in closing: The Press and Gannett have a long history of fighting for inclusiveness, diversity and women’s rights. We took immediate and significant action once we became aware of the issue, and we changed our online procedures to ensure such an event never happens again.

Paul D’Ambrosio

Executive Editor

Asbury Park Press/



  1. It boggles the mind to think it was OK to print such a caption. How could anyone in their right mind and say that it is newsworthy?

  2. This reporter did nothing wrong. He was expressing his 1st ammendment. The publisher showed weakness by apologizing. You white supremacist Trump supporters can’t have it both ways.

    • Excuse me, but that is just beyond offensive. What are you, insane?! Maybe you don’t know what the offensive caption was. How about googling what it was before saying the reporter did nothing wrong and the paper should not have apologized. Everyone from Governor Murphy to Rep. Chris Smith strongly condemned the paper and said the reporter who wrote should be fired. You are either a pathetic troll as 3:38 suggested or sick in the head.

  3. Notice how the reporter’s name is kept secret, so that it cannot be verified if the guy was really fired or not. What if the racist reporter got a promotion instead of a pink slip, what if the editor himself wrote the caption?! Can’t verify if the editor is telling the truth from the information provided by the editor. Forgive my scepticism when it comes to such a “friend” of the Jewish community as Asbury Park Press.

  4. The last five of our nine most recent hires have been diverse candidates. In a survey of all Gannett newsrooms, the Press had one of the most diverse news staffs in the company, reflecting the diverse nature of the Jersey Shore.

    He may be well meaning but he doesn’t seem to get it. Diversity candidates are no guarantee against anti-Semitism.

    There is an old saying ” Liberals are very tolerant of those who don’t look like them but very intolerant of those who don’t THINK like them”.

    “Diversity” is usually just a code for “liberals from different ethnic backgrounds with heavy discrimination against while males”

    There is no way you can fight anti-Semitism with such hires.


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