APP Reporter Arrested At Asbury Park George Floyd Protest

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An Asbury Park Press reporter was arrested covering a protest in the city tonight denouncing police brutality in the wake of George Floyd’s death, the Asbury Park Press reports.

Gustavo Martínez Contreras, who was covering the rally for the Press, was streaming the protest live on Twitter, when police clearing a street screamed at the crowd to go home. The video ends with an officer yelling “you’re under arrest” and “get your…hands behind your back.”

A news photographer later captured an image of Martínez Contreras being loaded into a police van. Read more.



  1. Why don’t you publish the entire story? This Idiot reporter was in violation of the curfew law.
    Read the whole story:
    “Moments before, officers in riot gear began clearing the streets of downtown after warning protesters they were in violation of the 8 p.m. curfew. The video posted by Martínez Contreras showed officers beginning to arrest several other protesters who remained in the street.”


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