Aryeh Deri: Only Moshiach Can Resolve Draft Law Argument

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Aryeh Deri, the head of Shas, paid a visit to Rav Meir Zvi Bergman, Rosh Yeshivas Rashbi. Rav Bergman is sitting shivah for his wife, Rebbetzin Devorah.

During their conversation, Rav Bergman expressed deep concern over the ongoing issues related to the military, sharing his thoughts with Deri. “I want to speak about something connected to the military. We need to do everything in order to save the Torah learners. This is just evil—where will they put the yeshiva students?” he said.

In response, Deri emphasized his belief that the situation was dominated by empty rhetoric. “What we are seeing now is that it is all talk. We see that. Now we need to focus on Moshiach – there is no other solution.” He added a hopeful sentiment, assuring the rosh yeshiva, “With Hashem’s help they will not touch [it]. No one can touch those who learn Torah.”

In related developments, Kikar Hashabbat reported last month that Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara is insisting that any proposed Draft Law must include a limitation on the number of yeshiva students who are allowed to remain exempt from serving in the IDF. According to the site, a leader from one of the charedi parties commented on Baharav-Miara’s persistence, stating, “She knows that there’s no way we’ll agree to cap the number of Torah learners, that the number of Torah learners will be limited. It seems that she’s doing everything she can to bring down the government.”

Charedi party leaders have also observed Baharav-Miara’s increasing involvement in issues affecting their communities. During a recent meeting, they noted, “She wants to bring down the government,” reflecting their growing concerns about her actions and influence.

{ Israel}


  1. Why don’t they go the offence? Instead of always trying to be on the defense, go after them with lawsuits and publicize their dirty lives so everyone can see who they are!

  2. One solution is to start training yeshiva bochurim from an early age to do kiruv, with lots of hands on experience, so that by the time they reach draft age they’ll be experienced kiruv professionals capable of inspiring many of their fellow soldiers to teshuva. The government will then give serious thought as to whether they really want to bring such a Trojan horse into their army.

  3. In response to the suggestion to go on the offence, we should also daven hard for Gali bat Shulamit to do teshuva shelmeima, that Hashem should open her eyes to the light of Torah. If several million people were all to daven for the same thing, surely those tefillos would not go unanswered.

  4. The only solution is to do it the Torah way. The Torah says that only erliche Yidden should be in the army and baalei aveira (those who committed sins) should be sent home, in order that Yidden not get killed because of his sins.


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