As Shabbos Approaches, Special Days For Gerer Community In America

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The current visit by the Gerer Rebbe to America is laced with history in so many ways, and chassidim are lapping up every precious and holy moment in his presence—all before the two historic Shabbosim, and the first-ever simcha in the Gerer court to take place on American shores.

The visit—designed to strengthen the American chassidim who have not merited to see the Rebbe for close to two years, bolster the great initiatives that have already been implemented, and build upon those successes—began at the end of last week, when the Rebbe arrived in New York, and promptly driven to the Monsey home of Agudah askan Reb Shloime Werdiger, a pillar of the Gerer Chassidus. Shabbos was spent in the presence of close family, and supporters of the vast network of Gerer institutions around the world.

But on Sunday morning, Rosh Chodesh Elul, the doors were opened—with masses of Gerer Chassidim joining the Rebbe for davening at the Vilchovitz Hall in Monsey. Following davening, the Rebbe warmly wished the chassidim ‘ah gitten choidesh.’

A primary focus from the Rebbe during this historic trip is his wish that every chossid—from throughout America—should merit to ‘go in’ with a kvittel before the approaching Yomim Nora’im, along with their sons. A sophisticated system has been implemented by which chassidim are able to enter ‘b’koidesh pnimuh,’ into the holy inner sanctum, in an orderly manner, and to receive brochos for the new year.

Shabbos will brings sights to Boro Park, the likes of which it has never seen—as thousands of chassidim from throughout the United States, as well as from Eretz Yisroel, will descend on the vicinity of the brand new Belzer Talmud Torah on 38th Street, near 12th Avenue, which has been outfitted to accommodate the massive crowd which will celebrate the Shabbos Aufruf and Sheva Brachos there.

Here too, history will be made—as the Rebbe will conduct tisch in America for the first time. Although the Gerer Rebbe has spent Shabbos here in the past, it is only on special Shabbosim—such as a simcha—when he conducts a tisch.

Following Shabbos, the anticipation will only build, as the day of the chasunah approaches, on Tuesday. It will take place at the massive arena at the Rockland Community College Campus in the Monsey area. It had previously been scheduled to take place at the Bell Works arena, but, despite the best efforts of its proprietor, Mr. Ralph Zucker, and his staff, to ensure every detail, the proximity to Monsey was still a higher priority.

The Kabbalas Ponim, as well as the “kinder tisch,” will be graciously hosted by the Viznitzer chassidus at their enormous Beis Medrash on Phyllis Terrace, with the rest of the festivities taking place at the RCC Campus.

These days are charged with emotion, history, holiness, and elevation—all in the days of Elul—as the Gerer Chassidim in the United States absorb fuel for the road, which will remain with them for a long time to come.



  1. Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov to the Chusen and Kalleh. Mazel and Brochos, Refiyos and Yeshios to all Klal Yisroel. (Daled Elul is my birthday so I can give Brochos).


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